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I've troubles of my own, with mother sick and a new cook in the kitchen." "Excuse me, Bert; I'll never do it again." "That's all right." "But it riled me like the devil to think " he began again. "Don't think," she curtly interrupted; "cut hair." Perceiving that she was in evil mood for his plea, he turned away so sadly that the girl relented a little and called out: "Say, Ed!"

"Your man told me you had gone to the capital for two weeks." "My man? Oh, you mean Turner! Well, I reckon you must have riled Turner somehow, and he thought he'd have a joke on you." "I don't quite see the joke," said the colonel, restraining his displeasure. "But that's ancient history. Can we sit down over here in the shade and talk by ourselves for a moment?"

But Donnegan was not asleep, and when George rose in the morning, he found the master sitting at the table with his arms folded tightly across his breast and his eyes burning into vacancy. He spent the day in that chair. It was the middle of the afternoon when George came with a scared face and a message that a "gen'leman who looks riled, sir," wanted to see him.

"Well that certainly may be in your case, colonel, but it doesn't happen to be in mine. I've covered all my tracks so that there's no evidence against me." "That's true," said the colonel. "You've just managed to keep out of taking an important part. I congratulate you." "There's no sense in getting riled about it," said Crewe; "it has just been my luck, that's all.

'Till one o'clock, was the reply. 'Two hours! said Emil, strangely elated. 'We should have had to wait two hours before we could come on. He was riled that we didn't run, and he laughed with glee. So we marched over the level to the hotel. We called in for a glass of hot milk. I asked in German. But the maid, a pert hussy, elegant and superior, was French.

Do you take?" "I understand you," he said, "but still I don't see the use of saying what you don't mean. Perhaps it's my ignorance or prejudice, or whatever you choose to call it; but I dare say you know what you are about." "Cutler," sais I, "I warn't born yesterday. The truth is, so much nonsense is talked about niggers, I feel riled when I think of it.

"He seems to make a sort of specialty of bear, doesn't he? Got a pretty good pack, eh?" "Pack? I should say we has! We got the bestest b'ah pack in Miss'ippi, er in de whole worl'. We sho' is fixed up fer huntin'. But, now, look heah, two three days ago the railroad kyahs done run ovah a fine colt whut de Cunnel was raisin' fer a saddle hoss kilt it plumb daid. That riled him a heap.

Every one knew that it was our event the second the spurt began, and when he got up to the tape and `4.42' was shouted out, it was a sight to see the state we were in. It's the best mile we ever did at Grandcourt, and even Smedley, though he was a bit riled, I fancy, at his licking, said he couldn't have done it in the time if he'd tried. "I send you Dig's programme, with the times all marked.

He's now with the renegade cutthroats and hundreds of riled Indians over there in the Village of Peace." "I reckon you're right." A long silence ensued. Jonathan finished his simple repast, drank from the little spring that trickled under the stone, and, sitting down by the dog, smoothed out his long silken hair. "Lew, we're pretty good friends, ain't we?" he asked, thoughtfully.

Like as not if you'd tell him he'd get some riled and come right over to see me, yearning for my blood. And then I'd have to shoot him up some. And that would sure be too bad you loving him as you do." "I suppose you would shoot him like you shot that poor fellow in Lazette," she taunted, bitterly. "Like I did that poor fellow in Lazette," he said, with broad, ironic emphasis.