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Ma di gioie la Soria E di fructi è più abbondante Tanta fama è per il mondo Del gran vostro alto Milano, Che solcando il mar profondo; Siam venuti da lontano, Gran paese soriano, Per veder se cosi sia, Bel paese di Lombardia." Still greater interest attaches to Lodovico's description of his own visit to the Certosa and of the alterations which he effected in the choir.

From London, Gabriele Rossetti sent the exultant summons: Cingi l'elmo, la mitra deponi, O vetusta Signora del mondo: Sorgi, sorgi dal sonno profondo, Io son l'alba del nuovo tuo . Saran rotte le vostre catene, O Fratelli che in ceppi languite; O Fratelli che il giogo soffrite Calcherete quel giogo col piè.

Mary sank down into the nearest chair. "Of course I am. But what right have I to be?" she asked, almost bitterly. "It never pays to be too keenly interested." Luke laid the paper aside. "Mary," he began, his voice very basso profondo, "do you like this man?" Mary gave a little cry. "Stop all of you all of you!" Then she began sobbing quite as helplessly as the Gorgeous Girl could have done.

"Amore profondo! Amore profondo del vasto mar." Ah, there was our poor bella lingua again. I wonder who wrote the libretto." "Mr Cortese wrote the libretto," said Georgie. Lucia did not hesitate for a moment, but gave her silvery laugh. "Oh, dear me, no," she said. "If you had heard him talk you would know he could not have. Well, have we not had enough of Mr Cortese and his works? Any news?

The only exception that I have met with, yet among our boat voices to the high tenor which they seem all to possess is in the person of an individual named Isaac, a basso profondo of the deepest dye, who nevertheless never attempts to produce with his different register any different effects in the chorus by venturing a second, but sings like the rest in unison, perfect unison, of both time and tune.

He stood beside them beaming, on them first and on his roomy clothes from points of which Mr Dedalus flicked fluff, saying: They were made for a man in his health, Ben, anyhow. Bad luck to the jewman that made them, Ben Dollard said. Thanks be to God he's not paid yet. And how is that basso profondo, Benjamin? Father Cowley asked.

The second piece was a rendering of Poe's ``Bells, and was a most amazing declamation, the different sorts of bells being indicated by changes of voice ranging from basso profondo to the highest falsetto, and the feelings aroused in the orator being indicated by modulations which must have cost him months of practice.

There were three different species of flies which sought shelter in my tent, which, unitedly, kept up a continual chorus of sounds one performed the basso profondo, another a tenor, and the third a weak contralto. The first emanated from a voracious and fierce fly, an inch long, having a ventral capacity for blood quite astonishing.

He would make a poem of it. Oh, the loveliness of life! What was it a local singer had carolled in that dear soft Venetian dialect? "Belissimo xe el mondo perchè l' è molto vario. omo ghe xe profondo che dir possa el contrario." Yes, the world was indeed most beautiful and most varied. Terence was right: the comedy and pathos of things was enough. We are a sufficient spectacle to one another.

However that may have been, such intrusion was never resented; my Swedish prima donna, or my qualifications as a basso profondo, or a brass-bandsman, were always treated with the greatest indulgence by the ladies, and my high soprano flourished and positively reached unknown altitudes under the beneficent sunshine of their applause.