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The distributors of these vows carry a basket full of them in one hand, and hold a plate in the other, to receive the money, crying out, "Saints Cosmo and Damianus!" If you ask the price of one, the answer is, "più ci metti, più meriti;" the more you give, the more the merit.

Il cibo loro per la maggior parte è di pesce piu che d’alcuna altra cosa, massimamente di salmoni, che n’hanno grandissima copia: ed anchora che vi siano diuersi sorti d’vccelli, e di frutti, nondimeno non fanno conto se non del pesce.

Amid the horrors of the massacre Marcel blesses and unites them. They enter the church and all perish together. Raoul tells the story of the unknown fair one he has encountered, in the romanza, "Piu bianca del velo." The scene now changes, and with it the music. We are in the Queen's gardens at Chenonceaux.

I was trembling under her touch trembling, my every nerve a-quiver and my breath shortened and suddenly there flashed through my mind a line of Dante's in the story of Paolo and Francesca: "Quel giorno piu non vi leggemo avanti." Giuliana's words: "Let us read no more to-day" had seemed an echo of that line, and the echo made me of a sudden conscious of an unsuspected parallel.

No one in Ferrara then dreamt that the babe who received so cold a welcome would one day reign over the Milanese, as the wife of Lodovico Sforza, the most powerful of Italian princes, and would herself be remembered by posterity as "la più zentil donna in Italia" the sweetest lady in all Italy. At least the name bestowed upon her was a good omen.

According to its origin, its device is a sieve, and its motto, Il piu bel fior ne coglie; that is, It gathers the finest flour thereof.

New accompanying figures are added, contrasting phrases or counter-melodies, to the theme. One expressive line plays against the wilder rhythm of the theme, with as full a song in its own mood as the other. A new rhythmic motive, of great charm, un pocchetino piu animato, is answered by a bit of the theme. Out of it all grows, in a clear

Carleton inclined, however, to suspect Grotius, "because," said he, "having always before been a stranger to my house, he has made me the day before the publication thereof a complimentary visit, although it was Sunday and church time; whereby the Italian proverb, 'Chi ti caresse piu che suole, &c., is added to other likelihoods."

These playful words seem to have weighed considerably on the boy's mind and, sure enough, after a few years he died. But even more charming piu grazioso, the biographer calls it was the incident when he once asked a father whether he would give his son to Saint Pasquale. The fond parent agreed, thinking that the words referred to the boy's future career in the Church.

The words, "Brunetta mia simpatica, ti amo sempre più," sung after this fashion to Eustace's handsome partner, who puffed delicate whiffs from a Russian cigarette, and smiled her thanks, had a peculiar appropriateness. All the ladies, it may be observed in passing, had by this time lit their cigarettes.