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"Aluisi thou hast some fear which thou hast not spoken." He was silent though she waited. How might he declare the bitter need of watchfulness, yet not betray the knowledge gotten in those secret councils of the Republic! "Madre mia," he said at last, when she had reminded him of her question. "Without cause I had made no vow. Canst thou not trust thy knight?

"They tell me I cannot love, cara mia," she was saying now to Angela who sat in pleased silence, studying her form, her colouring, and her animated expression; with all the ardour of an artist who knows how difficult it is to catch the swift and variable flashes of beauty on the face of a pretty woman, who is intelligent as well as personally charming. "They tell me I have no heart at all.

She wanted to smile, but her mouth felt numb, as if it dragged instead of lifted. "You you make us very happy maestro." "Some day," cried Zoe, still thrilling from her effort, "I will sing until my high C hits the sky!" 'I think you will, bella mia, if you have in you the power to work for it." "I have." "Art is the most cruel paymaster in the world.

It brings back the old times this used to be her favorite morning-room," he glanced at the mother's picture, "and summer and winter a fire always burned here, as now. And you, Inez, cara mia, with your gypsy face, most familiar of all." She moves over to the mantel. It is very low; she leans one arm upon it, looks steadily at him, and speaks at last.

A million miles from home, but doing their duty. We the people those are the warmhearted whose numbers we can't begin to count, who'll begin the day with a little prayer for hostages they will never know and MIA families they will never meet. Why? Because that's the way we are, this unique breed we call Americans.

The señorita was already in the doorway, convoying a sloe-eyed maid who bore wine and glasses upon a tray of beaten silver; and the smile of the señorita was disturbing to a degree, brief though it was. Behind the wine came cakes, and the señorita pointed tragically to the silver dish that held them. "Madre mia, those terrible children of Margarita have stolen half the cakes!

Now, it's my opinion they have wished it, and are keeping all of them there for the night. No doubt, kindly entertaining them, in their own rough way, however much father and Francesca may dislike it, and Gaspar growl at it. But it'll be all right. So cheer up, madre mia! We'll see them home in the morning by breakfast time, or before it." Alas!

"But do tell me," said Rosa, "how you came to go away so strangely, and leave me to mourn for you as if you were dead." The dimples disappeared, and a shadow clouded Flora's expressive eyes, as she replied: "It would take a long while to explain all that, sistita mia. We will talk it over another time, please."

I am a burden, but I cannot live without you, for you are my world. Do not desert me." She groped her way to him and clung to his strong arm as if it was her only stay. Paul drew her close, saying wistfully, as he caressed the beautiful sightless face leaning on his shoulder, "Mia cara, would it break your heart, if at the last hour I gave up all and let the word remain unspoken?

"Then I will not deceive her," said Lucrezia, knitting her brows. "Better not. She is not like us. She thinks to tell a lie is a sin against the Madonna, I believe." "But then what will the padrone do?" asked Lucrezia, innocently. "Tell his woman the truth, like all husbands," replied Sebastiano, with a broadly satirical grin. "As your man will some day, Lucrezia mia.