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The fancy of every one present was tickled at the idea of a union between Phelim and the old woman. It was followed by roars of laughter which lasted several minutes. "Oh, thin, the curse o' the crows upon him, was he only able to butther up the ould woman! Oh, Ghe dldven! that flogs. Why, it's a wondher he didn't stale the ould slip, an' make a run-away match of it ha, ha, ha!

Every house has its own entrance from the street, or by a common hall and stairway from the ground-floor, where are the cellars or store-rooms, while each kitchen is usually on a level with the other rooms of the house to which it belongs. You reply, "Amici!" This is, supposing the master or mistress of the house to be at home. If they are not in, she answers your "Amici!" with "No ghe ne xe!"

He would make a poem of it. Oh, the loveliness of life! What was it a local singer had carolled in that dear soft Venetian dialect? "Belissimo xe el mondo perchè l' è molto vario. omo ghe xe profondo che dir possa el contrario." Yes, the world was indeed most beautiful and most varied. Terence was right: the comedy and pathos of things was enough. We are a sufficient spectacle to one another.

Suddenly, as she sat thus bowed down, too sorrowful for tears, like the dew to a parched flower came the words of the book nay, the words of the Lord into her soul. "Be not your herte afrayed, ne drede it." "And therfore ghe han now sorowe, but eftsoone I schal se ghou, and ghoure herte schal haue ioie, and no man schal take fro ghou ghoure ioie.

"`Bithenke ghe on him that suffride such aghenseiynge of synful men aghens himsilff, that ghe be not maad weri, failynge in ghoure soulis. Bethink ye: the which signifieth, meditate on Him, arm ye with His patience. Look on Him, and look to Him." Bertram stared in astonishment.

"Ghe dhevin, Nelly," said the waiter, "maybe Meehaul is in the house unknownst to me. I'll try, any how, an' if he's to the fore, it won't be my fault or he'll see you." Nell, while the waiter went to inform Meehaul, took two ribbons out of her pocket, one white and the other black, both of which she folded into what would appear to a bystander to be a simple kind of knot.

He carried in his hand a short whip, resembling a carrot in shape, and evidently of such a description as no man that had any regard for his health would wish to come in contact with, especially from the hand of such a double-jointed but misshapen Hercules as bore it. "Ted, how goes it, my man?" "Ghe dhe shin dirthu, a dinaousal?" replied Ted, surveying him with a stare.

Treuly, treuly, I seie to ghou, if ghe axen the Fadir ony thing in my name he schal ghyue to ghou." John xvi. 22, 23. Now, Margery had neither teacher nor commentary to interpret to her the words of Scripture; and the result was, that she never dreamed of modifying any of them, but took the words simply and literally.

And his ear seized at this time how smack-smack ...smack-smack...the caught watermelons slapped in the hands; and immediately bent downwards and again threw, letting the air out of himself noisily ghe...ghe...

"Nino," she said, "can you remember something to say to papa?" "Oh, yes," he answered. "I am quite old enough for that. Don't you remember how I repeated", "'Questo domanda del pan; Questo dise, no ghe n'e; Questo dise come faremo; Quell' altro dise; rubaremo; Il mignolo dise; chi ruba 'mpicca, 'mpicca!"