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"Yes, that's true. I know that is the nature of them," assented the lawyer. "Then, observe, this Father Fabiano is a Venetian, a fellow-citizen of the girl. You know how the Venetians hold together. You may feel quite sure that if he did know her to be guilty of a crime, he would screen her to the utmost of his power. Of course I have not done with him yet. Tutt' altro.

Listen to his own description of himself in one of the popular canzonetti sung about the streets by wandering musicians to the accompaniment of a violin and guitar: "Ma per altro son uomo ingegnoso, Non possiedo, ma sono padrone; Vendo l' acqua con spirto e limone Finche dura d' estate il calor. "Ho an capello di paglia, ma bello!

She thought it was delightful; she thought Beaton must be glad to be part of it, though he had represented himself so bored, so injured, by Fulkerson's insisting upon having him. "And is it a secret? Is it a thing not to be spoken of?" "'Tutt' altro'! Fulkerson will be enraptured to have it spoken of in society. He would pay any reasonable bill for the advertisement." "What a delightful creature!

The earlier frescoes of Fra Angelico, on the roof, depict Christ as Judge. But there is nothing in common with these works and Signorelli's. He bases it upon the Dantesque subjects illustrated, and quotes from the "Inferno": "Omero poeta sovrano; L' altro è Orazio satiro che viene, Ovidio è il terzo, e l' ultimo Lucano."

Having very soon locked away his barrow, the loquacious Tony led Ravenslee along certain streets and into a certain yard, where presently appeared a stout man with rings in his ears, who smiled and nodded and greeted them with up-flung finger and the word "altro."

"So you were not going to speak to me to-day?" she said rather roughly, after her manner. Giovanni turned sharply and faced her, bowing low. Donna Tullia laughed. "Is there anything so amazingly ridiculous in my appearance?" he asked. "Altro! when you make that tremendous salute " "It was intended to convey an apology as well as a greeting," answered Don Giovanni, politely.

For me the spirit of a world not his whispered, "A te convien tenere altro viaggio," and little as I knew it, in my vague exploration of that scene of beauty, of those scarcely stirring, stilly burning trees, of that shimmering-fronded fern, of that misty splendour, I was hunting for the soul of it all, for the informing spirit of it all. Harkness's erotics gave ardour to my search, but no clew.

Per altro il mio padre gia 36 anni in servizio di questa Corte e sapendo, che questo Arcivescovo non puo e non vuol vedere gente avanzata in eta, non lo se ne prende a core, si e messo alla letteratura per altro gia suo studio favorito.

He was a sceptic of sceptics and his modern-world experiences had convinced him that what man could not do was not to be done at all. "The latest remedy proposed by the Signora is love!" he said, carelessly "The girl who is here, Manella Soriso has made up her mind to be the wife of this unfortunate " Ardini gave an expressive gesture. "Altro!

Il martire scriva: e la sua penna, come quella d' un altro martire, Silvio Pellico, sara una spada nel cuoro dell' Austria."