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The Spider drew back, staring from Ravenslee's tall, alert figure to his bruised knuckles and back again, while his companions stood by in mute and wide-eyed wonder. "Spider," said Ravenslee, shaking his head in grave reproof, "you were rather slow that time very foolish to leave your point uncovered and offer me your jaw like that, you know!"

"Well, then, there's Jacob Pffeffenfifer wants a young man in his delicatessen store." "Mrs. Trapes, I can slice ham and beef with any one on earth." "D' ye understand picklin' and seasonin'?" "Ah, there you have me again; I fear I don't." "Then you ain't no good to Jacob Pffeffenfifer!" "On second thoughts, I'm not wholly sorry," answered Ravenslee gravely.

So having made their adieux, the three took their departure; though once, despite Joe's objurgations, the Old Un must needs come back to kiss Mrs. Trapes's toil-worn hand with a flourish which left her voiceless and round of eye until the clatter of their feet had died away. Then she closed the door and fixed Ravenslee with her stoniest stare. "Mr.

Wherefore, after more than one furtive glance at him, Spike addressed him with a note of diffidence in his voice. "You ain't sore with me, are you, Geoff?" "Sore with you?" "I mean, because I I didn't take your money?" Here Mr. Ravenslee turned to glance down at Spike and clap a hand upon his shoulder. "No," he answered, "I'm not sore with you.

Even while the Old Un stared in wide-eyed, gaping amaze, Joe was on his feet again, serene and calm as ever, only his great chest laboured somewhat, but Ravenslee shook his head. "I guess that'll be about enough, Joe," said he.

"My, Spike, I'll trouble you for the butter-dish thanks!" and turning away, Ravenslee busied himself at the table, whistling softly the while. "But, Geoff, this is Bud!" cried the lad, glancing from one to the other in an agony of suspense. "Oh, don' ye know dis is Bud M'Ginnis?" "Ah, still here, is he?" said Ravenslee, without looking round.

Here he waited, calm-eyed and chewing placidly, one arm about the fretful Spike. Presently Ravenslee joined them; the shabby hat was gone, and there was a smear of blood upon his cheek, also he laboured in his breathing, but his eyes were joyous. "Bo, what about Bud?" "Oh, he's lying around somewhere." "Hully Chee d' ye mean "

Once Ravenslee staggered back from a vicious flush-hit, and once M'Ginnis spun around to fall upon hands and knees; then they clenched, and coming to the ground together, fought there, rolling to and fro and hideously twisted together. But slowly Ravenslee's clean living began to tell, and M'Ginnis, wriggling beneath a merciless grip, uttered inarticulate cries and groaned aloud.

"That's so!" nodded the Spider, and chewing viciously, he turned and was gone, to be hailed a few minutes later in uproarious greeting by many discordant voices which died slowly to a droning hum above which came sounds more distant, shouts and cheers from the auditorium. Left alone, Ravenslee looked about him, and then espied a newspaper that lay upon the desk.

Trapes suddenly reappeared, clutching a toasting fork. "Mr. Geoffrey," she said, glaring still, "them candies must ha' cost you a sight o' money?" "True, certain monies were expended, Mrs. Trapes." "They must ha' cost you well nigh a dollar-fifty, I reckon?" "They did!" nodded Mr. Ravenslee, smiling. "My land!" exclaimed Mrs. Trapes, and vanished again. Mr.