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"Oh, Feliu! the sea is coming upon us!" she answered, in the same tongue. But she screamed out a word inspired by her fear: she did not cry, "Se nos viene el mar encima!" but "Se nos viene LA ALTURA!" the name that conveys the terrible thought of depth swallowed up in height, the height of the high sea.

And here, she could not tell how many nights afterwards it seemed weeks, so had the days and hours dragged here, while she slept at last the sleep of exhaustion, they had brought Mr. Blakely. He lay there in raging fever when she was awakened that very morning by Natzie's crying in her ear some words that sounded like: "Hermano viene! Hermano viene!"

When I went away he cordially thanked me, while I assured him that I would so arrange the aria that he would certainly like to sing it. I think an aria should fit a singer as accurately as a well-made coat. I have also, for practice, arranged the air "Non so d' onde viene" which has been so charmingly composed by Bach.

The earlier frescoes of Fra Angelico, on the roof, depict Christ as Judge. But there is nothing in common with these works and Signorelli's. He bases it upon the Dantesque subjects illustrated, and quotes from the "Inferno": "Omero poeta sovrano; L' altro è Orazio satiro che viene, Ovidio è il terzo, e l' ultimo Lucano."

Over a gate of the city, called the Porta di S. Viene, he painted in fresco, in a large tabernacle, the Nativity of Jesus Christ, with some Angels in the air; and on the arch of that gate a child in foreshortening, very beautiful and in strong relief, which is intended to signify that the Word has been made Flesh.

Who knows but that perhaps in the home whence came the taciturn Padre Salvi children also played, perhaps they sang "La Nochebuena se viene, La Nochebuena se va." For a long time the boy wept and moaned. When at last he raised his head he saw a man standing over him, gazing at the scene in silence. "Are you her son?" asked the unknown in a low voice. The boy nodded. "What do you expect to do?"

The indictment had been read before I came in, and, as already mentioned, the lawyer was proceeding with his accusatory speech, and, as it appeared to me, the young Spaniard had some difficulty in understanding the interpreter's explanation. Whenever he saw me, he exclaimed, "Ah! aqui viene, el Senor Teniente ahora sabremos ahora, ahora;" and he beckoned to me to draw near. I did so.

Da l'altra parte odi che fama lascia Elissa, ch'ebbe il cor tanto pudico; Che riputata viene una bagascia, Solo perchè Maron non le fu amico." It is delightful to see the great, generous poet going upon grounds of reason and justice in the teeth of the trumped-up rights of the "pious Æneas," that shabby deserter of Dido, and canting prototype of Augustus.

The Divine comedy is, under one of its aspects, the Epic of Italian tyranny, so many of its episodes are chosen from the history of the civil wars: Chè le terre d' Italia tutte piene Son di tiranni; ed un Marcel diventa Ogni villan che parteggiando viene. Meanwhile the perils to which the tyrants were exposed taught them to employ cruelty and craft in combination.

I could hear him say to some one below, who appeared to have arrived in great haste, for he gasped for breath. "Aqui viene la feluca," answered Pedro; "perseguido por dos Lanchas Canoneras llenas de Gente." "Abordo entonces, abordo todo el mundo; arma arma, aqui vienen los Engleses; arma, arma!" And all from that instant was a regular hillabaloo.