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Poets have written and dreamed of the delights of wine, woman and song; priests and prophets have written and thundered and dreamed of the world, the flesh and the devil. It is only a difference of terminology. Poet, artist, priest and anchorite alike thought all the time of the tyranny of the body until it became a million-horse-power steam hammer crushing out his microscopic pin-head of a soul.

"On second thought, though," concluded Reade, "you needn't duck me. You may postpone it. I'm going bass fishing the very instant that the canoe is judged to be safe." "And I'll be the bass-hunting pin-head who merely does the paddling," proposed Danny Grin meekly. "I guess you're the biggest pin-head in camp, all right -after myself," nodded Reade.

Uncle Peter was delighted by the magnitude of his operations, and by his newly formed habits of industry. "It'll be the makings of the boy," he said to Mrs. Bines in her son's presence. "Not that I care so much myself about all the millions he'll pile up, but it gives him a business training, and takes him out of the pin-head class.

I don't think your ant-eating specialist, with his sharp nose and pin-head eyes, is the best every-day companion; but any man who knows one thing well is worth listening to for once; and if you are of the large-brained variety of the race, and want to fill out your programme of the Order of Things in a systematic and exhaustive way, and get all the half-notes and flats and sharps of humanity into your scale, you'd a great deal better shut your front door and open your two side ones when you come across a fellow that has made a real business of doing anything.

It consisted of closely disposed papules of the size of a pin-head, and several days after the disappearance of the eruption a fine, bran-like desquamation of the epidermis ensued. Brand has also seen an eruption on the trunk and flexor surfaces, accompanied with fever, from the ingestion of opium.

"None of your pin-head two-by-four shysters that you see here in the East," exclaimed Mr. Sleighter. "I mean some folks, of course," he explained in some confusion. "And the children, did they like it?" inquired Mrs. Gwynne. "You bet they did. Why, they was all over the hull prairie, all day and all night, too, mostly on ponies you know." "Ponies!" exclaimed Larry. "Did they have ponies?

"For the present you will continue at the same salary." "I'll see you eternally cursed if I do," observes Hartley, without changin' his tone a note. "Eh?" gasps Piddie. "Oh, go to thunder, you pin-head!" says Hartley, startin' back for the bond room to collect his eye-shade, cuff protectors and other tools of his trade. "You you're discharged, young man!" Piddie gurgles out throaty.

Bradley said she went up about one thousand miles, and now, don't interrupt me, Maria; I know what the man said and that cat, mind you, howling like a hundred fog-horns, so's you could a heard her from here to Peru. Well, sir, when she was up so's she looked as small as a pin-head something or other burst.

The electric light in the verandah seemed suddenly to recede to an immense distance and became a tiny luminous pin-head, like a far lone star. She heard Peter moving about in the dining-room behind and clinking things, but she felt quite incapable of going to see what he was doing or of trying to be hospitable besides, it was his house, he knew where things were, and she was so tired.

At first they would sit at their table in silent discomfort. Then Sidney Mercer would come up, as before, to ask Minnie to dance. And then then Henry would rise and, abandoning all concealment, exclaim grandly: 'No! I am going to dance with my wife! Stunned amazement of Minnie, followed by wild joy. Utter rout and discomfiture of that pin-head, Mercer.