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"Well, this knife is called a clasp-knife, because it shuts and opens, as you see, and it has three blades a big one for cuttin' up your victuals with, as you see me doin'; and two little ones for parin' your nails and pickin' your teeth, an' mendin' pens an' pencils though of course you don't know what that means. Then here, you see, there are two little things stuck into the handle.

I said to'n, 'If I was you I should wait anyhow till the leaves is down they'll make the new gravel so ontidy else. So they would, sure. I keeps puttin' it off. But I shall ha' to go. I sold'n a little donkey in the summer, and he's hoofs'll want parin' again. I done 'em not so long ago...." So his work varies, week after week.

For, as they all said, on account of Sister Bobbet's fallin' on the apple parin' we could not go on with the work of paperin' the meetin' house, and so the interests of Zion wouldn't languish on account of my absence for a day or two any way.

But the very day before we wuz to put on our first breadth, Sister Bobbet, our dependence and best paperer, fell down on a apple parin' and hurt her ankle jint, so's she couldn't stand on a barell for more'n several days. And we felt dretful cast down about it, for we all felt as if the work must stop till Sister Bobbet could be present and attend to it.

She reminded me of Susan Skinner, who'd never kiss the boys at parin bees till the candles was blow'd out. Miss Patty sung suthin or ruther in a furrin tung. I don't know what the sentimunts was. Fur awt I know she may hav bin denouncin my wax figgers & sagashus wild beests of Pray, & I don't much keer ef she did.

How I shood like to have little Maria out on my farm in Baldinsville, Injianny, whare she cood run in the tall grass, wrastle with the boys, cut up strong at parin bees, make up faces behind the minister's back, tie auction bills to the skoolmaster's coat-tales, set all the fellers crazy after her, & holler & kick up, & go it just as much as she wanted to! But I diegress.

The term of widest connotation is PARIN IGAT, which is equivalent to our cousin used in the wider or Scotch sense; it is applied to all blood relatives of the same generation, and is sometimes used in a metaphorical sense much as we use the term brother. There are no words corresponding to our words son and daughter, ANAK meaning merely child of either sex.

"Git into the shadows," one said; "they might be fools enough to shoot." Once in the road, the sheriff called a halt. "One of you must ride; back to Mr. Morris's place and collect the other search-parties, while we make for Pineville jail. Now, Abram, come on." "I ent done nuttin', Mr. Parin, suh," the negro urged. "I ent hot Mis' Morris." "Who said anything 'bout Mrs. Morris?" was asked, sharply.

When your father comes in you tell him I want him to set right down and finish parin' them apples. They are spoilin', an' I'm goin' to make 'em into sauce. You tell him to set right down and go to work on 'em; he can get 'em done by the time I get home, an' I can make the sauce this afternoon. You set here an' take your medicine an' learn your catechism.

Uncle and aunt want me to go round and round, doing the same things and thinking the same thoughts not my own thoughts either. Oh, I'm getting so tired of it all!" "Lor' now, chile, I wuz des 'parin' you ter dat run in my min'," said Aun' Jinkey in an awed tone. "No danger of uncle or aunt comparing me to the run, or anything else.