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"Yes, I do know, pairfectly," he said in answer to the question. "It's a place where there's misery, starvation, and crime of all sorts, and there I am in the very midst of it just where I want to be.

Ye mun alloo, sir, that poetry is a sort of ware or commodity, that is brought into the public market wi' a' other descreptions of merchandise, an' that a mon is pairfectly justified in getting the best price he can for his article.

Altogether, we were, practically, as much dependent on ourselves as when we sat under the pine-trees in Nova Scotia. "We'll look up my cousin, to begin with," said Dennis. "Are ye pairfectly convinced that he's here?" asked Alister, warned by his own experience. "Certainly," said Dennis. "Have ye corresponded with him of late?" pursued Alister. "Not I, indeed.

'Then, Paul stormed, 'what's your opinion good for? The old man's eyes flashed, and he made a motion as if to rise. He controlled himself, however, and reached out a hand to the hob for the clay he had relinquished a minute or two before. 'The question's fair, he said; 'the question's fair pairfectly fair, Paul. I misliked the manner of it, but the question's fair.

I understand the sentiment pairfectly. It's verra natural verra natural indeed." At that moment the Baron started from his reverie with an affrighted air. "Vat is zat strange sound!" he exclaimed. The others listened. "That's just the pipes, my lord," said Mr. Gallosh. "They're tuning up to welcome you." His lordship stared at the shore ahead of them.

"I'll tell my aunt in Glasgie aboot it. This Nifleheim wad suit her pairfectly, she wad send a' her relations there wi' tourist tickets, not available for the return journey!" "It seems to me," observed Errington, "that the Nine Worlds of Nifleheim have a resemblance to the different circles of Dante's Purgatory." "Exactly so," said Lorimer.

"Pairfectly," said the Baron, much relieved; "to lay a certain case before a certain lady. Zat is so, yes, exactly." Father and son glanced at one another. "Your delicacy does you honor, very great honor," said Mr. Maddison; "but business is business, Lord Tulliwuddle, and I should like to hear your proposition more precisely stated. In fact, sir, I like to know just where I am."

She leaned across the table and demanded in a heckling tone: "But you must know pairfectly well that these Labour Colonies are only tackling the fringe of the problem. There's no way of settling the question of unemployment until the capitalist system's overturned." He looked at her with wide eyes and assumed an air of being engaged in desperate conflict.

Roger took Ellen's hand and then seemed to remember something. After exchanging a portentous glance with the woman in uniform, he looked steadfastly into her face and said sombrely: "I hope all's well with you, sister! I hope all's well with you!" "Pairfectly," answered Ellen; and after a pause added, shyly: "And I'm pleased to meet you.

It was the first cynical remark that had ever fallen from the girl's lips, but she was learning fast, and Mrs. Halstead recognized the storm signals and withdrew. In the hall, she encountered Willa's maid, a bright-eyed, hard-featured Frenchwoman. "Liane, if Mademoiselle goes out before I return, you know what to do?" "Bien, Madame, pairfectly."