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Th' flash was out'n a minit, an' Bill whipped up his hosses an' sent em clear to Mills' tavern on the dead run," said he, laughing as if it were a good joke. "They don't nobody like th' place ner th' man, though I don' know why, fer no one's ever passed a word with him in these parts. There 'tis, over yender with the pines around it an' th' high wall," said he, pointing with his finger.

You took a laugh out'n me, Cap'n Dick, for spying 'round on that there Britisher hoss-captain and his redskins; but 'long to'ards the last I met up with a thing 'r two wo'th knowing. 'Twas a powder and lead cargo they was a-waiting for; and they're allowing to sneak it through the mountings to the overhill Cherokees." "Well?" says Dick.

All the way home he reflected dismally upon his lack of business foresight, and strove to plan ways to get money "out'n thet easy mark." "Didn't the man rob you, Uncle?" asked Louise, when the agent had disappeared. "Yes, dear; but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing I realized it." "That was what I thought.

Ye want to get summat out'n me, ey con see that plain enough, an os ye stand there glenting at me wi' your sly little een, ye look loike an owd fox ready to snap up a chicken o' th' furst opportunity." "Your comparison is not very flattering, Jennet," replied Potts; "but I pass it by for the sake of its cleverness. You are a sharp child, Jennet a very sharp child.

But w'en you git Hannibal out'n de house, en git all th'oo wid dis baby doll, you mus' fetch it back ter me, fer it's monst'us powerful goopher, en is liable ter make mo' trouble ef you leabe it layin' roun'. "Well, Jeff tuk de baby doll, en slip' up ter de big house, en whistle' ter Chloe, en w'en she come out he tol' 'er w'at ole Aun' Peggy had said.

She did not mean this, but she had said it once half in jest, half in reproach, and then it became a formula of complaint whenever Ike displeased her. Now he was sore and sensitive. "Take him fur yer son, then!" he cried. "I'm a-goin' out'n Pore Valley, ef I starves fur it. I shows my face hyar no more."

His eyes had popped clean out'n their slits, an' his tongue was hangin' out by the roots, he was that locoed.

He kin lick tarnation out'n any o' you." Meanwhile I held back, never having been thrown with so many of my own kind. "He's shot painters and b'ars," said Andy. "An' skinned 'em. Kin you lick him, Smally? I reckon not." Now I had not come to the school for fighting. So I held back. Fortunately for me, Smally held back also. But he tried skilful tactics. "He kin throw you, Sandy."

They's beautiful letters, Ruth, and it's come to me, as I've been settin' here, that you might make a book out'n these letters of James's. You write, don't you?" "Why, yes, Aunty, I write for the papers but I've never done a book." "Well, you'll never write a book no earlier, and here's all the material, as you say, jest a-waitin' for you to copy it. I guess there's over a hundred letters."

When his mother was nussin' him, a helpless babe, he'd take the pins out'n her hair, and they didn't think it was anything but playin'. Once he stole the specs off'm her head whilst she was nappin' with him in her arms, and jammed 'em down a hole in the back of the rockin'-chair. Whilst old Doc Burns was vaccinatin' him and he wa'n't more'n tew years old he got Doc's watch."