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'Now I could ondherstand if it was the missus that shaluted me, said he, rubbing across his cheek with his cuff as soon as he was on the road; 'throth an' they're all very fond of me intirely, considherin' they never laid eyes on me till this mornin', barrin' himself. An' I never see nater houses they're as clean as a gintleman's; you might ate off the flure.

Quinn, wid my love, for I know that she's been talkin' to you, an' you've been listenin', that she ought to ondherstand the differ 'twixt a man an' a ghost. She's had three husbands," sez I, "an' you've got a wife too good for you. Instid av which you lave her to be boddered by ghosts an' an' all manner av evil spirruts. I'll niver go talkin' in the way av politeness to a man's wife again.

Ortheris handled the stuff respectfully for a moment while I was trying to remember where I had seen it before. Then he screamed, 'What 'AVE you done with the palanquin? You're wearin' the linin'. 'I am, said the Irishman, 'an' by the same token the 'broidery is scrapin' my hide off. I've lived in this sumpshus counterpane for four days. Me son, I begin to ondherstand why the naygur is no use.

Me son, I begin to ondherstand why the naygur is no use, Widout me boots, an' me trousies like an openwork stocking on a gyurl's leg at a dance, I begin to feel like a naygur-man all fearful an' timoreous. Give me a pipe an' I'll tell on." He lit a pipe, resumed his grip of his two friends, and rocked to and fro in a gale of laughter.

Well, this was all pleasant enough, to be sure, while it lasted; but inhuman beings is born to misfortune, an' Bill's divarshin was not to last always. I never could ondherstand why in the world it was Bill fell in love wid HER, above all the girls in the country.

Nine roun's they were even matched, an' at the tenth About that palanquin now, There's not the least throuble in the world, or we wud not ha' brought ut here. You will ondherstand that the Queen God bless her! does not reckon for a privit soldier to kape elephints an' palanquins an' sich in barricks.

Quinn, wid my love, for I know that she's been talkin' to you, an' you've been listenin', that she ought to ondherstand the differ 'twixt a man an' a ghost. She's had three husbands, sez I, 'an' you've, got a wife too good for you. Instid av which you lave her to be boddered by ghosts an' an' all manner av evil spirruts. I'll niver go talkin' in the way av politeness to a man's wife again.

"What post would suit you?" inquired the visitor. "The diocese of New York?" "No, no," said the father. "I'm not ayqual to sich a risponsebility; that is, not at wanst, ye ondherstand. I'd like best to come up to sich a place as that gintly an' by degrays.

Nine roun's they were even matched, an' at the tenth About that palanquin now. There's not the least throuble in the world, or we wud not ha' brought ut here. You will ondherstand that the Queen God bless her! does not reckon for a privit soldier to kape elephints an' palanquins an' sich in barricks.

'Twas more av a rakin' plough, if you will ondherstand, than a clean cut; an' niver did I see a man bleed as Vulmea did, The dhrink an' the stew that he was in pumped the blood strong. The minut' the men sittin' on my chest heard O'Hara spakin' they scatthered each wan to his cot, an' cried out very politeful: 'Fwhat is ut, Sargint? "'Fwhat is ut! sez O'Hara. shakin' Tim.