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"And wot are ye goin' to do with the Colonel here?" said Sam, indicating under that gallant title the infant shrike, who, with his claws deeply imbedded in Sam's finger, was squatting like a malignant hunchback, and resisting his transfer to Peggy. "Won't HE make it rather lively for the others? He looks pow'ful discontented for one so young." "That's his nater," said Peggy promptly.

'Tis the duty of all cavalry gentlemen to bear in mind that their blood is a knowed thing in the country, and not to speak ill o't. 'He's close-fisted. 'Well, maister, he is I own he is a little. 'Tis the nater of some old venerable gentlemen to be so. We'll hope he'll treat ye well in yer fortune, sir. 'Hope he will.

"I'll I'll bring you an extra dozen right soon, Mister Merrivale." "I ain't a-goin' ter flex my soul 'bout that, Nella-Rose. Aigs is aigs, but human nater is human nater; an' keepin' a store widens yo' stretch o' vision. Now, watch out, lil' girl, an' don't take too much fo' granted. When a gun goes off yo' hear it; but when skunks trail, yo' don't get no sign, 'less it's a smell!"

"When I see anything to laugh about, I'm ready to laugh," said Aunt Rachel; "but human nater ain't to be forced. I can't see anything to laugh at now, and perhaps you won't by and by." It was evidently quite useless to persuade Rachel to cheerfulness, and the subject dropped. The tea things were cleared away by Mrs. Harding, who then sat down to her sewing.

'Would you be so good, my darling dovey of a dear young married lady, Mrs Gamp observed, in a low voice, 'as put that somewheres where you can keep it in your mind? I'm well beknown to many ladies, and it's my card. Gamp is my name, and Gamp my nater. Livin' quite handy, I will make so bold as call in now and then, and make inquiry how your health and spirits is, my precious chick!

I've thought like those books, and talked like them, until I seem to be like them; and, Daddy, the day Mr. Devant came home, he found me in his library-room, reading his books!" "Gawd!" ejaculated Billy, and stood stock still. "Did he fling ye out, neck and crop?" he gasped at last. "Daddy! he's a nice old gentleman!" "Old? He ain't dodderin' yet. An' he use t' have a bit of pepper in his nater.

I knew better than that she hain't any too smart by nater, and her mind runs to fowls, what there is of it. But my Josiah heard the inquiry, and sez he "I should call her a duck;" and he continued, with his eyes riveted on the beautiful face of the Duke's daughter "That pretty girl is a duck, and no mistake." But I sez, "Hush; that would be too familiar and also too rural."

Have some blackberry pie, 'long with yer fowl, Cap'n. 'T ain't every day you can get Pa's cookin'; an' I bleve in mixin' good victuals. It's what Nater does." Billy took everything suggested and ate it indiscriminately, and this example was ably followed by his hosts. "Mark!"

Not a single damn allowed; no, not a bare poor one, even at the most cheerful moment when all were blindest, though the good old word of sin thrown in here and there at such times is a great relief to a merry soul." "True." said the maltster. "Nater requires her swearing at the regular times, or she's not herself; and unholy exclamations is a necessity of life."

I don’t think that, by nater, they are as tonguey speakers, for an off-hand discourse, as the standing-order ministers“And what denomination do you distinguish as the standing-orderinquired Miss Temple, with some surprise. “Why, the Presbyter’ans and Congregationals, and Baptists, too, for- til’ now; and all sitch as don’t go on their knees to prayer