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"It's litthle good money will do yez wid yer neck shtretched, an' th' bhoys are carryin' ropes fer th' gints pwhat run off wid th' girrul. Oi'd not fool yez fer th' worruld," O'Toole continued, in his most convincing manner.

We've worruked togither guidin' more than wance, and nivver a bit av a quarrel did we have. Oi'd not tell ye a loie, an' Oi want ye to know thot Frank Merriwell will rake these mountains down an' lay them level av he don't foind thot girrul. It's a big oath he has taken to make anny wan shmart thot has caused her wan minute av distress."

"Bedad!" moaned he, leaning over the side with his dark face turned to pale green that seemed a faint reflection of the water below, into which he looked apparently with the deepest interest as he sacrificed his dearly loved dinner to Neptune, paying the sea-god his dues, "Oi fale, Tom me darlint, as if Oi'd brought up iverythink, faith, since furst Oi jined the ship, an' me boots, begorrah, same in the back of me hid!

"Shure, if it's good beer Oi had," continued Moriarty, "Oi'd be afther beatin' them all, for Oi was always popular wid the b'ys, on account of my usin' my fists so fine." Peter smiled. "Why don't you go into something else?" he asked. "Well, there's mother and the three childers to be supported, an' then Oi'd lose my influence at the primary." "What kind of beer does Mr.

"You only punished lepers," I went on, "in the middle ages, because you believed that leprosy was catching: this malady is not even catching." "Faith, Oi'd punish it with extermination," cried the Irishman. Exasperated by the fact that his idiot prejudice was hurting my friend, I said at length with a smile: "You are very bitter: I'm not; you see, I have no sexual jealousy to inflame me."

No," replied Joblins defiantly, but looking nervous all the same. "I ain't so soon frightened as that, Mick!" "All roight, me joker," said Mick. "Oi ownly thort ez how Oi'd not take ye onywheres, ye know; but, faith, ez Oi say ye're so brave a chap, Oi'll now carry on an' till ye all about a raal banshee Oi saw t'other noight." Joblins moved uneasily on his seat. "What!" he cried.

"Oi'd av know'd um in hiven or hell, or Hong-Kong. Captain Fronte's own silf, he is, as loike as two peas. An' the age av Captain Fronte befure he was kilt, phwin he was th' besht officer in all th' British ar-rmy or an-ny ar-rmy.

"Then I arrest you in the Queen's name"; and the officer held up a paper while the other produced a pair of handcuffs. "Oi'd like to see ye put them on me." And the flood of fight in him surged up. He was covered by two big revolvers now, which argument had no whit of power to modify his mood; but another factor had.

Hit 'urts to think 'E's hashamed o' me. Oi'd like t'a done better oi would. 'Ashamed of you, Billy! said Craig, in a voice that broke. 'Not He. 'An' ye hall 'elped me so! he went on. 'Oi wish oi'd 'a done better oi do, and his eyes sought Geordie, and then rested on Mrs. Mavor, who smiled back at him with a world of love in her eyes.

What ought I to do?" The Irish mouth of Kate Murphy set firmly, her blue eyes burning. "It's not sthrong Oi am on advisin'," she said, shortly, "but if it was me Oi'd be fer foindin' out what all this mix-up was about. There's somethin' moighty quare in it. It's my notion that Hawley's got hold av thim papers av yer father's.