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Penrose broke into a hearty laugh, and complimented Betty, telling her she was the sort of woman to make 'converts to the cause. Then old Malachi put on his wisest look, and continued: 'Mr. Penrose, aw mut as weel tell yo' afore yo' get wed, that it's no use feightin' agen a woman.

She wore Hathor's vulture headdress, and on it the disc of the moon fashioned of silver. Also were present Roi the head-priest, clad in his sacerdotal robes, an old and wizened man with a strong, fierce face, Ki the Sacrificer and Magician, Bakenkhonsu the ancient, myself, and a company of the priests of Amon-Ra, Mut, and Khonsu.

Haba ong Siem-Blei ka mut ba U Blei u la i mon sngewbha ba'n aiti ha u ban synshár ia kawei ka bynta kaba khráw ha ri Khasi. Ha une la ái ba'n synshar ha ri Shillong. Haba wád ia ka jingsdang jong kine ki Siem Blei don shibún ka jingb'ym thikna. La kumno-kumno ka don ka jingiathu-khana kum kane kaba harum ha pydeng ki Khasi hadúh kane ka sngi.

Temples of the Egyptian gods, as well as towns, were built in Syria itself; Meneptah founded a city in the land of the Amorites; Ramses III. erected a temple to Amon in "the land of Canaan, great as the horizon of heaven above, to which the people of Syria come with their gifts"; and hieroglyphic inscriptions lately discovered at Gaza show that another temple had been built there by Amenophis II. to the goddess Mut.

'What mut th' child ged up theer for? asked Amos. 'Thaa talks like a chap as never hed no childer. At this rebuff Moses was silent; for not only was he a childless man, but until the day he saved the very child they were now seeking from the Green Fold Lodge, children had been nothing to him.

There's been a bit of native grumbling in these Nile towns lately you may have read some paragraph about it in the Cairo papers? So the police are rather quick to break up meetings." "Why should men meet near the Temple of Mut?" inquired Sir John. "I shouldn't think of doing it." "Perhaps in the beginning they hoped to get something out of the Europeans," said I lightly.

They hit me heavy over the race, and now they'd like to rule me off for that thief's work," and he jerked his thumb over his shoulder in the direction of Langdon. "Yes, racin's hell now," commented Dixon with laconic directness. "It seems just no use workin' over a good horse when any mut of a crook who is takin' a turn at plungin' can get at the boy.

'An' do yo' co this babby one o' th' things o' th' earth? cried the old woman fiercely. 'Yi, forsure I do. What else mut it be? 'Look yo' here, Amos, said Deborah, raising the child in her arms so that her rebuker might look into its little features, ruddy and reposeful features where God's fresh touch still lingered; 'luk yo' here.

In the midst of these thoughts the whole multitude arose; and once more there came to my ears the universal uproar of innumerable cries, in the midst of which I could hear the words, "Ap Ram!" "Mosel anan wacosek!" "Sopet Mut!" In the midst of this the paupers and the hags talked earnestly together.

Afterward he took the other fellows down to the gymnasium, where Biff Bates drew him to one side. "Look here, old pal!" said Bates. "I saw you real chummy with T. W. Tight-Wad Trimmer to-night." "Yes?" admitted Bobby interrogatively. "Well, you know I don't go around with my hammer out, but I want to put you wise to this mut.