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Anna de Jong looked at him wide-eyed. He finished his cocktail and poured another. In the snooper screen, what looked like an indignation meeting was making uproar in the village plaza. Gofredo cut the volume of the speaker even lower. "That would explain a lot of things," Meillard said slowly. "How hard it was for them to realize that we didn't understand when they talked to us.

With great and solemn ceremony it was set up over the door of the new palace: and everybody then clustered round to look at it. It had six pictures on it commemorating the six great events in the life of King Jong and beneath were written the verses that explained them. They were composed by the Court Poet; and this is a translation: I

This was both amusing and tantalizing, for we had now no way across the frontier open to us. Our guard and some of the Jong Pen's men who had remained behind, finding they were in the minority, thought it prudent to disappear.

Among those she has published are a set of five two-part songs, entitled "Lentetever," a collection of six two-part songs for children, and a set of solos for the same performers under the title of "Jong Holland." She shows a mastery of style, and an ability to get just the effect that she wishes. Her works are attractive and singable without ever becoming overswollen or bombastic.

They also questioned me as to whether I had heard that a young Englishman had crossed over the frontier with a large army, which the Jong Pen of Taklakot had defeated, beheading the leader and the principal members of the expedition. I professed to be ignorant of these facts.

While this was still proceeding, a horseman arrived with a message from the Jong Pen, and at last, to everybody's satisfaction, permission was granted for us to proceed into Taklakot. My army retraced its steps toward the north-west. Deposed from the high military post, which I had occupied only for a few hours, I became again a private individual and a prisoner.

"Something killed a bird," Swan explained politely, planting one of his own big feet over the track, which did not in the least resemble Lorraine's. "Yack! you find that jong lady quick!" From there on Swan walked carefully, putting his foot wherever a print of Al's boot was visible.

The victims are known by the name of "Mugha Khara." At the time all the people of the territory of the twelve dolois were in great state of terror. When the people told their clan, then they caught them. When they heard that the people belonged to clans from which kongngors were selected, they did not arrest them. Shaphang Ka Kupli, U Shyngkram bad U Jali, ki Khún jong ka.

Arriving at Dogmar, the party was stopped by the Jong Pen of Taklakot, who refused to give them passage through his district. This was a very serious affair, as it meant that the worn-out prisoners would have to be taken by a long, circuitous route via Gyanima and into India by the Lumpia Pass. This would probably have done for them. Owing to the intervention of the Rev.

He was intelligent, and could speak a few words of English. I had employed him to look after the men and to act as interpreter, if necessary. His uncle Dola was employed in the capacity of valet and cook. Instead of proceeding by the Lippu Pass, where the Jong Pen was waiting for me with his men, I made forced marches from Kuti in a different direction altogether.