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Whether or not they believed all Hubbs had fed 'em about Gopher don't matter. They was takin' a chance. So they slips out at noon and gives real orders. Course, they wa'n't plungin'; but the combined effect was the same. And it don't take the curb long to get wise. "The suckers are buying Gopher," was the word passed round. Then maybe the quotations didn't jump!

And that studio apartment of his up in the Fifties would be the very thing for you two. Wants to unload the lease and furnishings. Oh, Waddy has excellent taste in rugs and old mahogany. And it will be a rare bargain; I shall see to that. What do you say?" Bein' in the plungin' mood, I said I'd take a chance. "Good!" says Mr. Robert. "I'll have it all arranged before midnight.

But a bystander a standin' by said it wuz a sight to behold to stand up on top and start off. He said the swiftness of the motion, the brightness of the electric lights ahead, the gleam of the snow made it seem like plungin' down a dazzlin' Niagara of whiteness and glitterin' light; and some, like bein' shot out of a cannon.

Words t' that 'fect. Door shut. Nushin' more transphired till 'Op comes out nose exshtreme angle plungin' fire or or words 'that effect. Proud's parrot. 'Oh, you prou' old parrot, I says." Mr. Glass seemed to slumber again. "Lord! How a little moisture disintegrates, don't it?

"Ketch hold of his tail, Bill," cried another man, "and hold his stern down see if that won't cure his plungin'. He's like a Dutchman in a cross sea." "Keep clear o' this fellow's heels, Jack, he's agoin' to fire another broadside."

Hit's kinderly like young colts plungin' ergainst a new hand on ther bridle-rein we've got ter keep cool-headed an' patient an' ack tergether when a feller like thet shows up." Parish Thornton nodded, and Hump Doane took off his hat and ran his hand through his bristling hair.

I'd take the money out, but I'm afraid o' tearin' it all to pieces, with the train plungin' so." He carefully half-cocked his piece, took off the cap, rubbed the nipple to remove any stray fragments of fulminate, and then let the hammer down on a piece of wadding taken from his cap.

Round we came, plungin' an' squatterin' in her wake, an' the wind cut wi' good promise o' more to come. By six it blew hard but clear, an' before the middle watch it was a sou'wester in airnest. "'She'll edge into Ireland, this gait, says Bell. I was with him on the bridge, watchin' the Grotkau's port light. Ye canna see green so far as red, or we'd ha' kept to leeward.

It was jist what I wanted; I pushed the door tu with my foot, and seizing her by the arm with one hand, I quilted her with the horsewhip real handsum, with the other. How dare you lift your hand, John Porter, to your lawful wife, and so on; all the time runnin round and round, like a colt that's a breakin, with the mouthin bit, rarein, kickin, and plungin like statiee. Then she began to give in.

"That gal, like most of her meddlin' sort, is havin' a regular conniption-fit over nothin'. I reckon she is afeard thar'll be one less on the marryin' list a few years from now. He was a pesky fool, anyway, plungin' in cold water to attend to her business.