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We're as chummy as though we had been reared together," I exclaimed. "Did you get him to talk?" "Oh yes." "Did you really?" in surprise. When I came to review the matter I was forced to confess that I had done all the talking, and young Beecham the listening; moreover I described him as the quietest man I had ever seen or heard of.

I exclaimed, desperately, not knowing how to turn the talk. "Only yesterday," continued Wallop, complacently, evidently noticing and enjoying my confusion, "he was asking me what I thought of your credit. Shoddy and I are chummy you know, Crow." "Will you shut up and let me get on with my work?" I cried, despairingly.

He's small in the world, but he'd better get out of the light, my boy, or he'll catch it!" Bosher subsides at this point, and the two friends resume their divided interest in the match, and old Wyndham, and the monkey-nuts. Presently two familiar forms saunter past, arm-in-arm. "There go Riddell and Bloomfield," says Parson. "Awfully chummy they've got, haven't they?

"Jeff Marshall. And this is Jane Logan. What's all the fuss about?" "We're looking for the Space Cadets. They murdered old Professor Sykes!" snapped the man. His eyes narrowed and he looked at Jeff closely. "You were pretty chummy with them, weren't you?" he asked. "Sure, I knew them," replied Jeff calmly. "But if they've done anything to the professor, I want them caught as badly as you do.

In fact, as Harry Lander used to put it, vurra well acquainted. Chummy, I might say. Why not, after we've stood two years of each other without any serious dispute? Not that I'm claimin' any long-distance record as a model parent. No. I expect I do most of the things I shouldn't and only a few of them that I should. But 'Ikky-boy ain't a critical youngster.

But when you arrive there all out of breath, you find that each absurdity is invested with habits, strong interests, and chummy Congressmen. Attack all along the line and you engage every force of reaction. You go forth to battle, as the poet said, and you always fall. You can lop off an antiquated bureau here, a covey of clerks there, you can combine two bureaus.

Don't let's talk any more about it. Say, look there there's a scarlet tanager! Ain't it pretty? Shyest bird there is, but up here in the woods there's a couple pairs 'most every year. Pull that old newspaper up round the earth a little, so's I can get a better holt of it. That's the girl. Gee, I never knew what fun it'd be to have a wife who'd be so darn chummy as you are.

His face was lined, his hair was white at the temples, an' the' was a wistful look in his eyes which was mighty touchy. Barbie was more chummy with him too, an' they was edgin' back to ol' times; but I was darn glad to see Hawthorn finally admit that he was sufficiently recovered to drive over an' see what had become of his own lay-out.

There are those who think it's a science. But it isn't that either. It's white magic, that's what it is. And you can't learn it from books, any more than you can master trout fishing from reading 'The Complete Angler." He swung about and swept the beauty lotions before him in a little heap at the end of his desk. "Here, take this stuff. And get chummy with it.

A little boy of seven, be he ever so low of birth, can do this as well as you. Do you suppose that little stolen Master Montague made a better sweeper than the lowest-bred chummy that yearly commemorates his release? No, sir. And he might have been ever so much a genius or gentleman, and not have been able to make his trade respectable.