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As Ernie tells me about it he rubs himself reminiscent and gazes sorrowful at his dented derby. "Mosh annoying," says he. "Couldn't even shay good night to lovely Louishe." "Oh, well," says I. "You can make up for that when you pay your dinner call. By the way, where was this home of the lovely Louise?" Ernie doesn't know.

He did die. Isaac, according to his promise, applied to the captains of several schooners; none of them would take the dead body. "What shall I do?" thought Isaac, "de monish mosh not be loss." Cork" He then shipped the same in the Fan Fan, taking bills of lading in accordance with the brand, deliverable to Mordecai Levi of Curacao, to whom he sent the requisite instructions. The vessel sailed.

Such records are very numerous among the great prairie tribes; they bear sometimes the Ossianic type, and are related every evening during the month of February, when the "Divines" and the elders of the nation teach to the young men the traditions of former days. "It was in the time of a chief, a great chief, strong, cunning, and wise, a chief of many bold deeds. His name was Mosh Kohta.

Mosh hunfortunate! Beauchiful hinstrument, but shlips a cog. Mosh hunfortunate! And he wagged his little head sagely, playing all the while for dear life, now second and now lead. Poor Billy!

They allowed a certain percentage of jargon-words, for they themselves took licenses in this direction, but they professed not to understand pure Yiddish. "Abraham, 'ow mosh for dees lot," said old Mrs. Shmendrik, turning over a third similar heap and feeling the fish all over. "Paws off!" said Abraham roughly. "Look here! I know the tricks of you Polakinties.

Poor Mangrove at this time was pattering close to my heels, and I could hear him chuckling and laughing to himself. "What dis can be I say, Sneezer" to his never failing companion "what you tink, John Canoe after Spanish fashion, it mosh be, eh?" The dog began to jump and gambol about. "Ah," continued the black pilot, "no doubt it must be John Canoe I may dance why not eh? oh, yes I shall dance."

Hey, hey? Ugglees-tone. Ma foi, you Monsieur Jonas Ugglees-tone?" "No, sir; I am his son," said Bigley. "What say, sare, you Monsieur Jonas Ugglees-tone, you b'long?" "Yes, sir; I belong to him. Will you give us something to eat?" "Aha! You Engleesh boys, big garcon, always hungries. Vais; come aboard my sheeps. Not like your papa oh, no. I know him mosh, very mosh.

Henderson, D Coy's S.M.; Galbraith on whom descended Colthart's wonderful knack of obtaining whatever he wanted; Storrer Mosh alias Morrison Storrar of A Squadron and A Coy. Mack, one of the best we got from the 10th Battalion, and they were all good fellows; Corporal Gibb, who looked the part so well that he was appointed Acting Q.M.S. by the Stores Officer at Kantara! And Many More.

I demanded in English, as he was led up and halted before me. "Too mosh me no speakee Anglish!" he promptly replied, shrugging his shoulders until they touched the great gold rings that adorned the lobes of his ears, and spreading out his hands, palms upward, toward me. "What do you speak, then?" I demanded, still in English, for somehow I did not for a moment believe the rascal's statement.

"'The gentleman does n't pay me by the hour, said Hiram. "'How mosh does he bay you by der veeks? said Hans. "'I don' know as that's any of your business, answered Hiram. "'Faith, we'll make it our business, said Mike Fagan. 'We're Knoights of Labor, we'd have yez to know, and ye can't make yer bargains jist as ye loikes. We manes to know how mony hours ye worrks, and how much ye gets for it.