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In a few minutes they were at the hall, and found that they were in ample time to hear Mr. Montgomery's first song. He had taken particular care not to include anything offensive or even broad, so that one of his audience who eat below Miriam and Andrew exclaimed in their hearing that it was "a d d pious night," and wondered "what Mont's little game was." One of Mr.

T-S: "I'll never do it no more!" Said the husband: "Y'allus say dat. Fergit it, Maw, you're all right now, you don't have to have your hair frizzed fer six mont's!" Said Mrs. T-S: "I gotta lie down. I'm dyin', Abey, I tell you. Lemme git on de sofa." Said the husband: "Now, Maw, we gotta git to dinner " "I can't eat no dinner." "Vot?" There was genuine alarm in the husband's voice.

"I come up fer de mont's pay," he said coolly to Babcock, the corner of his eye glued to Lathers. "De ole woman said ye'd hev it ready." "Mrs. Grogan's?" asked the bookkeeper, shuffling over his envelopes. "Yep. Tom Grogan." "Can you sign the pay-roll?" "You bet" with an eye still out for Lathers.

W'y, dat chile mus' weigh 'bout twenty-fo' poun's, an' he not but six mont's ole. Does dat gal w'at does de nussin' w'iles I'm gone ten' ter dis chile right, Mis' 'Livy?" "She does fairly well, Mammy Jane, but I could hardly expect her to love the baby as you do. There's no one like you, Mammy Jane." "'Deed dere ain't, honey; you is talkin' de gospel truf now!

"Bimeby, w'en Cindy had be'n gone fum home 'bout two mont's, harves'-time come on, en' Marse Dugal' foun' hisse'f short er ban's.

But Ca'line she been dead long enough mos' six mont's countin' fo' weeks ter de mont'. An' as fur me, I done 'ranged ter have eve'ything did ter show respec's ter Numa." An', tell de trufe, Mis' Gladys, ef Numa was ter rise up f'om his grave, I'd sen' Pete a-flyin' so fast you could sen' eggs to market on his coat tail.

Holly demurely scrutinized one of whom she had often heard. Fresh from South Africa, and ignorant of her kith and kin, she never saw one without an almost childish curiosity. He was very big, and very dapper; his eyes gave her a funny feeling of having no particular clothes. "They're off!" she heard him say. They came, stepping from the chancel. Holly looked first in young Mont's face.

Forsytes, Haymans, Tweetymans, sat in the left aisle; Monts, Charwells; Muskhams in the right; while a sprinkling of Fleur's fellow-sufferers at school, and of Mont's fellow-sufferers in, the War, gaped indiscriminately from either side, and three maiden ladies, who had dropped in on their way from Skyward's brought up the rear, together with two Mont retainers and Fleur's old nurse.

Cindy done paid out de last quarter fer dis bottle of physic, and it nebber come to no use." "Do I understand," asked Doctor James, "that Mrs. Chandler has no money?" "Money, suh? You know what make Miss Amy fall down and so weak? Stahvation, sub. Nothin' to eat in dis house but some crumbly crackers in three days. Dat angel sell her finger rings and watch mont's ago.

But he would like just to catch her smile, if she leaned out, though they would hit her in the eye with the shoe, if they didn't take care. Young Mont's voice said fervently in his ear: "Good-bye, sir; and thank you! I'm so fearfully bucked." "Good-bye," he said; "don't miss your train." He stood on the bottom step but three, whence he could see above the heads the silly hats and heads.