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Vir impavidus, constans, animosus, periculorum immemor, laborum patientissimus; fiducia christiana fortis, fervidusque; paterfamilias apprime strenuus; bibliopola admodum peritus; mente et libris et negotiis exculta; animo ita firmo, ut, rebus adversis diu conflictatus, nec sibi nec suis defuerit; lingua sic temperata, ut ei nihil quod aures vel pias, vel castas laesisset, aut dolor, vel voluptas unquam expresserit.

With a spirit that did not murmur, he saw the earth closed over both graves; but at Graham's he lingered; and when the funeral stone shut even the sod that covered him from his eyes, with his sword's point he drew on the surface these memorable words: "Mente manuque potens, et Walli fidus Achates. Conditus hic Gramus, bello interfectus ab Anglis."

What innate breeding and reticence! What punctilious loyalty to the little observances of literature, of wall-decoration, call it, in the most licentiously minded of them! Lorenzo Magnifico was a rake and could write lewdly enough, as we all know. Yet, when he chose, that is when Art bade him, how unerringly he chose the right momentum. His too was "la mente che non erra."

That terrible Latin poet Lucretius, whose apparent serenity and Epicurean ataraxia conceal so much despair, said that piety consists in the power to contemplate all things with a serene soul pacata posse mente omnia tueri. And it was the same Lucretius who wrote that religion can persuade us into so great evils tantum religio potuit suadere malorum.

She: "I have always thought it the greatest shame for a man or woman not to be able to read." I told her something about the progress of the human race, that the first men and women had been like animals, not at all like Adam and Eve. "Do you think I believe that Eve ate an apple and that the serpent could speak? Non credo mente.

Elizabeth, Mary, filled with the Holy Ghost, breaks forth into that sublime Canticle, called the "Magnificat:" "He hath scattered the proud," she sings, "mente cordis sui;" literally, "in the mind of their heart."

Aqua ista mire medicata, externe aeque ac interne adhibita, malis levamen attulit. Hiems altera, frigida, horrida, diuturna, innocua tamen successit. Vere novo casus atrox diras procellas animo immisit: toto corpore, tota mente tumultuatur. Patria relicta, tristitia, sollecitudo, indignatio, et saevissima recordatio sequuntur. Inimici priores furore inveterato revertuntur.

'Audiit, et voti Phoebus succedere partem Mente dedit; partem volucres dispersit in auras; which, as he added, 'is weel rendered into English metre by my friend Bangour: Ae half the prayer wi' Phoebus grace did find, The t'other half he whistled down the wind. The conflicting passions and exhausted feelings of Waverley had resigned him to late but sound repose.

I unfortunately did not take a copy of it, as it originally stood; but I have happily preserved every fragment of what Dr Johnson wrote: Quisquis ades, viator, Vel mente felix, vel studiis cultus, Immorare paululum memoriae TOBIAE SMOLLET M.D. Viri iis virtutibus Quas in homine et cive Et laudes, et imiteris, ..... Postquam mira... Se......... .... Tali tantoque viro, suo patrueli, ...... Hanc columnam, Amoris eheul inane monumentum, In ipsis Leviniae ripis, Quas primis infans vagitibus personuit, Versiculisque jam fere moriturus illustravit, Ponendam curavit .........

Popular demonstrations of the most threatening kind were often made, but to no purpose. Justum et tenacem propositi virum, Non civium ardor prava jubentum mente quatit solida. The Pontiff could not be moved from his firm resolve. The ministry, however, was shaken.