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Then I began, "If, madam, you design to be more severe with us, be yet so kind as to dispatch it quickly; for whate'er our offence be, it is not so hainous that we ought to be rack'd to death for it": Upon which her woman, whose name was Psyche, spread a coverlet on the floor, Sollicitavit inguina mea mille iam mortibus frigida.

"Ense velut stricto, quoties Lucilius ardens Infremuit, rubet auditor, cui frigida mens est Criminibus, tacita sulant praecordia culpa." So that they thought the imitation of Lucilius was more proper to their purpose than that of Horace.

Lady Macbeth makes upon me, in her relation toward her frequently wooing husband as it were, the impression of a natura frigida, that is a sexually cold woman.

There have, anciently, been men so excellent managers of their time that they have tried even in death itself to relish and taste it, and who have bent their utmost faculties of mind to discover what this passage is, but they are none of them come back to tell us the news: "Nemo expergitus exstat, Frigida quern semel est vitai pausa sequuta."

The pretty white flowers are borne in clusters for some distance along the slender shoots, and have a very effective and pleasing appearance; indeed, the upper portion of the plant has the appearance of a mass of white blossoms. C. FRIGIDA. Nepaul, 1824. The species forms a large shrub or low tree with oblong, elliptical, sub-evergreen leaves.

Lavantur, wash themselves, i.e. bathe; like Gr. louomai. So aggregantur, 13; obligantur, 21, et passim. Calida, sc. aqua, cf. in Greek, thermo louesthai, Aristoph. Nub. 1040. In like manner Pliny uses frigida, Ep. 6, 16: semel iterumque frigidam poposcit transitque.

In opening the Roman drains I found a branch one at this place, which induces me to think that a large cold or swimming bath occupied the eastern wing, the baptisterium or frigida lavatio. Still farther eastward are fragments of Roman buildings which I have seen only in a very fragmentary way, as no excavations of any extent have been made.

From the Preface to the Complete Works . Text according to the Berlin Edition of the Buchwald and others, Vol. I, pp. xi ff. Evidently a play on the Latin frigidus, often used in the sense of "trivial" or "silly"; so Luther refers to the "frigida decreta Paperum" in his Propositions for the Leipzipg Disputation . i. e. Frivolous mockers at holy things.

"Largus opum, et lingua melior, sed frigida bello Dextera, consiliis habitus non futilis auctor, Seditione potens." But unfitted as he was to shine in camp or to attract enthusiasm, Argyle none the less commands our respect by the abilities which raised him far above the crowd of smaller men around him.

Eurydicen vox ipsa et frigida lingua, Eurydicen toto referebant flumine ripae. Carlyle's pathos, far from being confined to his own calamity, was ready to awake at every touch. "I was walking with him," writes Froude, "one Sunday afternoon in Battersea Park. In the open circle among the trees was a blind man and his daughter, she singing hymns, he accompanying her on some instrument.