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This notwithstanding, as Segrais confesses, he might have shown a little more sensibility when he left her, for that had been according to his character. But let Virgil answer for himself. He still loved her, and struggled with his inclinations to obey the gods: "Curam sub corde premebat, Multa gemens, magnoque animum labefactus amore."

The expression of feeling may be exaggerated, and little consistent with the flattery with which the poem opens; yet even this flattery, when carefully read, seems fuller of satire than of praise: "Quod si non aliam venturo fata Neroni Invenere viam, magnoque aeterna parantur Regna deis, caelumque suo servire Tonanti Non nisi saevorum potuit post bella Gigantum; Iam nihil O superi querimur!

The letters of the Queenes most excellent Maiestie sent by one Laurence Aldersey vnto the Emperour of Aethiopia, 1597. Inuictissimo potentissimoque Abassenorum regi, magnoque vtriusque Aethiopiæ imperatori &c.

The phrase, let alone, which is now used as the imperative of a verb, may in time become a conjunction, and may exercise the ingenuity of some future etymologist. Ullaloo, Gol, or lamentation over the dead "Magnoque ululante tumultu." "Ululatibus omne Implevere nemus."