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And Posh did not give way to his "guv'nor" as he might have done. No one has a greater admiration than I for this magnificent claim of a MAN to be MAN'S equal. It kept the race of Norfolk and Suffolk longshoremen worthy of their traditions until the cockney visitors, with their tips and their hunger for longshore lies, ruined the nature of many of our beach folk.

It flashed into my mind that this man might be his friend, the "Longshore Jack" who was to keep an eye upon me as well as upon Mr. Jermyn. It gave me a most horrid qualm to think this. The man was so sly, so calm, so guarded, that the thought of him being on the look-out for me, to sell me to the Dutch captains, almost scared me out of my wits.

"Them apostles was fishermen, d'ye see, and the fishermen and longshore folk always was more peaceable and quieter-like than us deep-sea bilboes. You read me about that there fellow as slaughtered the Camelites; I understands him better. By Gosh, he gave 'em a warm time of it, on my swow, didn't he! Not much use them Camelites showing their heads when Joshua was in the offing!

The prospect is not enlivening; nor do the low brick houses, given up to nondescript longshore traffic, and freely punctuated with gilt-lettered saloons, add to its impressiveness. Squalid it is without doubt, this particular aspect of New York; but what is the squalor of West-street to that of Limehouse or Poplar? Are our own dock thoroughfares always paved to perfection?

Had the great stream flowed south instead of west, the industries of the valley doubtless would gradually have been removed to the transverse highways of the new commerce, save where these latter crossed the river, and thus have left scores of once thriving communities mere 'longshore wrecks of their former selves. This is not possible, now.

The dress of the boatmen in those days, i.e. their 'longshore toggery' and there are still among the older men a few, a very few survivals was finished off by tall hats and pumps; and in answer to my query 'why they formerly always wore those pumps? I was told, ''Cos they was always a dancin' in them days' doubtless with Jane and Bess and black-eyed Susan.

He was one of them 'longshore beggars as turns up here, there, and everywhere, galley-raking, like a stinking ray-fish when the tide goes out; thundering scoundrels that make a living of it, pushing out for roguery with their legs tucked up; no courage for smuggling, nor honest enough, they goes on anyhow with their children paid for.

Many of the young men in the neighborhood, of course, were of draft age; but, being longshore bred, they naturally preferred salt water service. So they enlisted before the time came for them to answer the call of their several draft boards. The interest of our four friends, and of Seven Knott even, was not entirely centered in this patriotic duty of urging others into the service.

Shtand off, you ragged set of whitewashed Christy Minstrels, you! Where's the Bri'sh Conshul's? Take me, you longshore sons of sharks, to the Bri'sh Conshul's! If there's one white man among you let him stand out and hit a chap his own weight."

"Did you notice the two men who were sitting at the middle table?" I asked him. "Sure!" said he, shoving me my glass of beer. "Know them?" I inquired. "Never laid eyes on 'em before. Old chap looked like a sort of corn doctor or corner spell-binder. Other was probably one of these longshore abalone men." "Thanks," I muttered, and dodged out again, leaving the beer untouched.