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"No, indeed," said Jemmy, "they're all strangers to me; but I can stop in 'dhry lodgin', for it's chaper." "Well, alanna, I believe you; but I'm no stranger to you so come home wid me to-night; where you'll get a good bed, and betther thratement nor in any of their dhry lodgins. Give me your books, and I'll carry them for you. Ethen, but you have a great batch o' them entirely.

His lodgins in Jerming Street is to let. His brokers in vain deplores his absence. The rich and beautiful Miss Mulligatawney, of Portland Place, is to be speedily united to Colonel Claw, K.X.R.

If there was what do you call that word, when one man's breath pops into 'nother man's body, changin' lodgins, like?" "Do you mean transmigration?" "Yes; if there was such a thing as that, I should say it was old Liveoak himself, Mr. Washington, that was transmigrated into him, and that's no mean thing to say of him, I tell you.

She may be blind, though I've seen thriles where she raised th' bandage an' winked at th' aujence she may be blind, but 'tis th' fine sinse iv touch she has, an' if ye vinture into her lodgins an' she goes through ye'er pockets an' finds on'y th' pawnticket f'r th' watch ye stole off Hogan, she locks th' dure, takes off th' handkerchief, an' goes at ye with th' soord.

Even those poor creatures who gain a scanty subsistence by keeping what are called "dhry lodgins," like lucus a non lucendo, because they never keep out the rain, and have mostly a bottle of whiskey for those who know how to call for it, even they, in most instances, not only refused to charge the poor scholar for his bed, but declined to receive any remuneration for his subsistence.

I acted promptly. I called a cab and told the driver to run his hoss at a friteful rate of speed to my lodgins, but it wasn't of no avale. I had orful cramps, and my appytite left me, and my pults went down to 10 degrees below zero. But by careful nussin I shall no doubt recover speedy, if the present sparklin and exileratin weather continners.

If there was what do you call that word, when one man's breath pops into 'nother man's body, changin' lodgins, like?" "Do you mean transmigration?" "Yes; if there was such a thing as that, I should say it was old Liveoak himself, Mr. Washington, that was transmigrated into him, and that's no mean thing to say of him, I tell you.

Gentlemen and ladies, says I, as haughty as may be, 'there's nothink that I want for that I can't go for to buy with my hown money, and take at my lodgins in Halbany, letter Hex; if I'm ungry I've no need to refresh myself in the KITCHING. And so saying, I took a dignified ajew of these minnial domestics; and ascending to my epartment in the 4 pair back, brushed the powder out of my air, and taking off those hojous livries for hever, put on a new soot, made for me by Cullin of St.

"So we walks home to her lodgins, an' on the way we talks together friendly an' quiet loike, an th' more we talks th' more I sees she's had trouble an' by an' by bein' on'y common workin' folk, we're straightforrad to each other in our plain way it comes out what her trouble has been. "'Yo' p'raps wouldn't think I've been a married woman, Mester, she says; 'but I ha', an' I wedded an' rued.

"Faith, an' it'll be a nice card to play," replied Harte, resuming his natural voice; "but at all events, if you will all drop into Garvey's lodgins and mine, to-morrow evenin', you may find him there; but don't blame me if I fail."