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This was the Battle of Morhange, or of Metz as the Germans name it and it was over by August 22, 1914. Allies. A, Belgians; B, British; C, Lanrezac; D, Langle de Cary; E, Ruffey; F, Castelnau; G, Dubail; H, Pau. Germans.

This local attack was undertaken from about the position marked 3 on Sketch 60, and was directed against Guise. It was undertaken by the 1st and 3rd French Corps, under General Maunoury. He, acting under Lanrezac, gave such a blow to the Prussian Guard that he here bent the Prussian line right in.

Two new armies of reserves had come into line, Foch's Ninth and Maunoury's Sixth; and two old armies had new commanders, the Third with Sarrail instead of Ruffey and the Fifth with Franchet d'Esperey instead of Lanrezac. In the east Castelnau and Sarrail stood almost back to back along the eastern and western heights of the Meuse above Verdun.

General Joffre's telegram conveyed the first news to General French not only that the French Fifth Army had been defeated and was in retreat the first intimation even that the French right at Charleroi under General Lanrezac was in peril but that at least three German army corps were attacking the British.