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I'd hate to leave a poor little defenseless piece of property lying around where he could get his hooks on it!" They had, Babbitt perceived, "something on him." Also, they "had their kidding clothes on." Ordinarily he would have been delighted at the honor implied in being chaffed, but he was suddenly touchy. He grunted, "Yuh, sure; maybe I'll take you guys on as office boys!"

"That settles it," whispered Bart. "We think we're here, but we're only kidding ourselves. We can't be here. Heinie says so and, of course, he knows." "What a come-on he'd be for the confidence men," gurgled Billy. "They'd sell him the Brooklyn Bridge before he'd been on shore for an hour."

Williams. "You're his wife, ain't you? I thought so, soon as I saw you. He was kidding me about coming out here to be a cowboy, and I told him all right, if he wasn't running a blaze, I 'd go him on that. I was to have rode out with him in his buggy, but I was up pretty late last night with the boys, doing the town, and when I got up this morning he was gone.

The language of the people of Manna is the same that is spoken all over that extensive and hilly country called Jallonkadoo. Some of the words have great affinity to the Mandingo, but the natives themselves consider it as a distinct language. Their numerals are these: One Kidding. Two Fidding. Three Sarra. Four Nani. Five Soolo. Six Seni. Seven Soolo ma fidding. Eight Soolo ma sarra.

And you can set this down on your mental calendar as an established truth: whenever you see a Big One taunting a Little One, you can set him down as a big coward. And, whenever you see a Dub kidding a Lout, you can be assured that the dub is trying to lift himself above a similar rating. "Well, this Loron lout finally got me," said Davy, resuming the thread of his life story.

I've been around the State, and I know the sentiment. We've got 'em licked, right now. What have you got against it? You're on our side, Aust." "Ham," said Austen, "are you sure you have the names and addresses of those twenty prominent citizens right, so that any voter may go out and find 'em?" "What are you kidding about, Aust?" retorted Mr. Tooting, biting back the smile again.

I guess she could tell that herself." "But, Red, I'm not kidding. I told her uncle about the bunch and the guy on the desert." "Did he believe it?" "I guess so. He ain't said much. But he gives me the chance to make good. He must have believed somethin'." "Well, stick to it, Collie. You never was cut out for a genuine towerist like me, anyhow. It ain't in your blood."

For the first time in weeks tears started from Gloria's eyes and the look she gave him had a quality of real pain. "Oh, Anthony " "My Lord, Gloria!" He approached her in bewilderment and took her elbows in his hands. "Don't cry, please! Didn't you know I was only kidding? Gloria, look at me! Why, dearest, you've got the longest neck I've ever seen. Honestly."

She came close and picked a blonde hair from his shirt. "Don't want you getting caught." "No," Oliver said. "Will you come back?" she asked softly. "Are you kidding? As soon as I can." She hugged him as though he were breakable. "I'll be waiting." It was almost an apology. He ran one hand down her hair and the compound curve of her back. "Save that kiss for next time," he said.

Yet the boys continued to crowd about him. "He's going to tell us now what the man on the clubhouse steps said!" proclaimed Danny Grin hopefully. "Do you fellows really want to know what the man on the clubhouse steps said?" Prescott asked, looking about him with a tantalizing smile. "Do we?" came in a chorus. "Hurry up and tell us!" "Quit your kidding," begged Tom Reade.