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"She has been busy as a bee ever since she received your last letter; such a charming room as she has prepared for you!" "Ah, Charlie," rejoined Clarence, mournfully, "I shall not live long to enjoy it, I fear." "Nonsense!" interrupted Charlie, hopefully; "don't be so desponding, Clary: here is spring again, everything is thriving and bursting into new life.

He saw no one who could give him any information as to what was going on in the outside until the morning of the 21st, after he had been incarcerated forty-eight hours. Then a turnkey unlocked his door and motioned him out. "For trial?" Ned asked, hopefully. "It is the wish of the president," was the reply. "But what, why, when " "You have yet to see," was the impertinent reply.

Warren, hopefully. "My dear, if she made such an admission the court would lose no time worrying as to whether she killed Lloyd or not. They would instantly convict her for being a rebel spy, and she would hang," returned Warren, grimly. "Why?" blankly. "Because if she admits stealing that paper, it is proof positive that Captain Lloyd's charges are true." "Scylla and Charybdis!" ejaculated Mrs.

Keap turned her eyes anxiously toward the training-quarters, and it was patent that she had not counted upon this encounter. Noting her lack of ease, Fresno said hopefully: "If you are going for a walk, I'll sing for you at some other time." "Is Mr. Speed up yet?" "Up and gone. He'll be back soon." Then Mrs.

Had not Lulu taught her to make buttonholes and to hem oh, no I Lulu could not have heard properly. "Everybody's got somebody to be nice to them," she thought now, sitting by the kitchen window, adult yet Cinderella. She thought that some one would come for her. Her mother or even Ina. Perhaps they would send Monona. She waited at first hopefully, then resentfully. The grey rain wrapped the air.

We have unhesitatingly applied that heroic principle to the case of Mexico, and now hopefully await the rebirth of the troubled Republic, which had so much of which to purge itself and so little sympathy from any outside quarter in the radical but necessary process.

If the Johnnies had any regard for the rules of war they'd have retreated long ago." "We'll win yet," said Dick hopefully, "but I don't think we can achieve any big victory. Look, there's General Grant himself." Grant was passing along his whole line. While leaving the main battle to Buell he retained general command and watched everything.

"The only thing that I can remember about that speech," he resumed, after a pause, and she gazed on him hopefully, "is that your brother Gideon busted into the town house and tried to break up my speech by tellin' 'em I was a lunatic. I ordered the constables to put him out." "Did they?" she asked, with solicitude. "No," he replied, rubbing his nose, reflectively.

Now he wondered if the maker of these tracks would feel the same way about the Old Pasture. Peter looked troubled as he thought it over. Then his face cleared. "Perhaps," said he hopefully, "he is a new comer here, too, and if he is, I'll have just as much right here as he has.

The more he leaves to our discretion the more hopefully do we work. All this is too late for you, but you may pass it along to Fred, the schoolmaster, Miss Jane, and any other friends or neighbors who may be in an inquiring mood. Tell them, too, there is no safety, even with the utmost vigilance, unless every workman carries with him that old-fashioned instrument, a conscience.