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"Ju-Ju!" crowed the General, leaping almost out of Judy's arms, and scenting fun with the instinct of a veteran. Down the passage they went, the other five behind to watch proceedings. Judy sat down with him on the last step. "Boy want chuck-chuck, pretty chuck-chuck?" she said insidiously. "Chuck-chuck, chuck-a-chuck," he gurgled, looking all around for his favourite friends.

They thus become ju-ju; and indeed all West African legitimate marriage, although appearing to the casual observer a mere matter of barter, is never solely such, but always has ju-ju in it. We may as well here follow out the whole of the domestic life of the Fan, now we have got him married. His difficulty does not only consist in getting enough bikei together but in getting a lady he can marry.

"Ju-ju, I couldn't stand it. You are bad but you are a lot, lot better than your mother and Venetia. I'm going to try and put up with you a bit longer Ju-Ju, what makes you look so stiff and funny?" "I don't know," said Jones, passing his hand across his forehead. "I've had a hard day." She looked at him curiously for a moment, then pityingly, then kindly.

How did you get hold of it?" "Why, just went and tackled the passenger-boy and dashed him a case of gin; and when he sobered up again, where was the ju-ju? I got it ashore right enough to the pilotage here in Banana, and for the next two weeks thought it was my ju-ju without further palaver. "Then up comes a nigger to explain.

John Bailey tells me that if a great chief commits a great crime, and is adjudged by a conclave of his fellow chiefs to die, it is not considered right he should die in a common way, and he is given leopards' gall. A precisely similar idea regarding the poisonous quality of crocodiles' gall holds good down South. The ju-ju parts of the leopard are the whiskers.

I say, Raguet," he rambled on, sitting up dizzily, "what is this Ju-Ju idol of theirs?" "I know not," said the French lieutenant. "Only ze king and ze priests have seen him. If zey tell, zey die ze idol keel zem." "I suppose they'll be keeping up these infernal tom-toms for another week," grumbled the sick man, lying back and half closing his eyes from weariness.

He preached and preached on till the tropical day burned itself out, and the velvety night came down, and with it the mists from the river. The negroes of the village, with their heads wrapped up to keep off the ghosts, shivered as they listened to "dem small whiteman make ju-ju" across the clearing. Clay listened because he could not get away.

Another strong argument against the theory that it arises from the doubtful relationship of the son, is that certain ju-ju always go to the son of the chief wife, if he is old enough, at the time of the father's death, even in those tribes where the wealth goes elsewhere.

I see it in the smoke." "Saw it in the smoke?" repeated the amazed boys. "In smoke of Ju-ju fire I see it written. I see five go, three come back, in smoke too. I have spoken." He stalked off as I suddenly as he had the night before and left the boys to gaze in a bewildered way after his huge figure as it swung down the road.

"Your cousin appears to be a person of decision," Mrs. Ranger suggested to the still dazed Elise, as the cab rolled away. "I don't understand Aunt Ju-ju at all," Carolyn interpolated crossly. She had not been in the habit of packing her aunt's bag. "She usually makes such a fuss about starting to go anywhere days ahead, in fact. And now at fifteen minutes' notice! And her best gown!"