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Those that I have mentioned above are all male, except the Lukuku, and women are utterly forbidden to participate in the rites or become acquainted with their secrets, for one of the chief duties of these societies is to keep the women in order; and besides it is undoubtedly held that women are bad for certain forms of ju-ju, even when these forms are not directly connected, as far as I can find out, with the secret society.

He had just clicked the button and exclaimed: "This will be a jim-dandy," when he felt something whistle through the air and the next minute his hat lay at his feet with an arrow in it. In an instant the child's father convinced that Billy was putting Ju-ju medicine on the child was upon him, armed with his big hunting spear and followed by half the village.

The white man Nilssen had "put bigger ju-ju" on him, and under its influence had despoiled him of valuable property. Now was his moment of counter triumph. The witch-doctor stated that he brought this other white man to the village by the power of his spells; and the villagers believed him. There was the white man lying on the ground before them to prove it.

They were pleasantly disappointed that he omitted the usual massacre, and in gratitude were eager to accept what they were pleased to term his ju-ju, but which he described as the creed of the Tyneside chapel. It is by no means easy to follow the workings of the black man's brain in these matters.

This burning of the gall, however, is not ju-ju, it is done merely to destroy it, and to demonstrate to all men that it is destroyed, because it is believed to be a deadly poison, and if any is found in a man's possession the punishment is death, unless he is a great chief a few of these are allowed to keep leopards' gall in their possession.

I became cautious and alarmed, and hid in some dense bush as the men making the noise approached. I saw it was some ju-ju affair. They had a sort of box which they carried on poles, and their dresses were peculiar, and abnormally ample over the upper part of their body. They were prancing about in an ecstatic way round the box, which had one end open, beating their drums and shouting.

"Did you send them, Ju-ju?" "No," said Jones. "I did not." Venetia rose. "You admitted to me, yourself, that you did," said she. "I was only joking," he replied. Teresa went to the bell and rang it. "Good night," said Venetia, "after that I have nothing more to say." "Thank goodness," murmured Teresa when she was gone. "She made me shiver with her talk about extravagance.

Ju-ju, on the other hand, is French, and comes from the word for a toy or doll, so it is not so applicable as the Portuguese name, for the native image is not a doll or toy, and has far more affinity to the image of a saint, inasmuch as it is not venerated for itself, or treasured because of its prettiness, but only because it is the residence, or the occasional haunt, of a spirit.

The Mbiam is not poisonous, nor is its use confined, as the use of the bean is, entirely to witch palaver; but it is the most respected and dreaded of all oaths, and from its decision there is but one appeal, the appeal open to all condemned persons, but rarely made the appeal to Long ju-ju.

This Long ju-ju means almost certain death, and before it a severe frightening that is worse to a negro mind than mere physical torture. The Mbiam oath formula I was able to secure in the upper districts of the Calabar. One form of it runs thus, and it is recited before swallowing the drink made of filth and blood: THOU deal with me."