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I have now concluded, sir," said Joe, rising from his chair, "and, Pip, I wish you ever well and ever prospering to a greater and a greater height." "But you are not going now, Joe?" "Yes I am," said Joe. "But you are coming back to dinner, Joe?" "No I am not," said Joe. Our eyes met, and all the "ir" melted out of that manly heart as he gave me his hand.

In Babylonia, moreover, it acquires the force of vassal-king. The full list is Anu, Ashur, Shamash, Ramman, and Ishtar. More precisely Arba-ilu, signifying 'city of the fourfold divinity' or 'four-god' city. Cf. the Palestinian form Kiryath-Arba, "four city," originally perhaps, likewise, a city of four gods, rather than four roads or four quarters, as commonly explained. IR. 14, l. 86.

"Swaz der Franzoys heizet flo'ri' Der glast kom sinem velle bi, Parzival's schoen' was nu ein wint; Und Absalon Davides kint, Von Askalun Vergulaht Und al den schoene was geslaht, Und des man Gahmurete jach Do man'n in zogen sach Ze Kanvoleis so wunneclich, Ir decheines schoen' was der gelich, Die Anfortas uz siecheit truoc. Got noch kunste kan genuoc."

I dinna see hoo, bein sic a freen' o' my father's, he sud objeck to my father's son! 'Eh, but laddies ir gowks! cried Kirsty. 'My father was your father's freen' for his sake, no for his ain! He thinks o' what wud be guid for you, no for himsel! 'Weel, but, persisted Gordon, 'it wud be mair for my guid nor onything ither he cud wuss for, to hae you for my wife!

"But it hasn't been a week since she confessed!" protested Sinang. "I'm not sick and I don't sin as often as that." "Abá! Don't you know what the curate says: the righteous sin seven times a day? Come, what book shall I bring you, the Ancora, the Ramillete, or the Camino Recto para ir al Cielo?" Maria Clara did not answer. "Well, you mustn't tire yourself," added the good aunt to console her.

Never had she thought Orion so handsome; the long, flowing mourning robe, which he had flung over his shoulder in rich folds, added to the height of his stately form; his abundant hair, not curled but waving naturally, set off his face which, pale and grave as it was, both touched and attracted her ir resistibly.

Described in De Sarzec's Découvertes en Chaldée, pp. 216, 217. For other specimens, see ib. pp. 106, 171; and see also Hilprecht, Old Babylonian Inscriptions, i. 2. p. 39, note. Inscription D, col. iii, 1-12. See Winckler's note, Keils Bibl. 3, 2, p. 16. IR. 54, col. iii. l. 10. Ib. 55, col. iv. l. 1, 2. IIR. 61. no. 2, obverse.

"Sudiev' kvietkeli, tu brangiausis; Sudiev' ir laime, man biednam, Matau paskyre teip Aukszcziausis, Jog vargt ant svieto reik vienam!" When the song is over, it is time for the speech, and old Dede Antanas rises to his feet. Grandfather Anthony, Jurgis' father, is not more than sixty years of age, but you would think that he was eighty.

Indeed in Babylonian or Assyrian the language of the Semitic inhabitants of Babylonia and Assyria the word which signified "tent" was adopted to express the idea of "city" when the tent had been exchanged for city-life. In Canaan, on the other hand, the Sumerian word itself was adopted in a Semitic form, 'Ir, 'ar, or uru, "city," was originally the Sumerian eri.

I sprang up, but not in arms, and went to a window. "The blessed damozel leaned out >From the gold bar of heaven," and reconnoitered from behind the blinds. "The wonder was not yet quite gone >From that still look of hers," when an armed man and a legged dog appeared ir the opening. I was vigilantly watching him. . . . . "And now She spoke through the still weather."