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"I daresay I'm very stupid for being so ignorant, father; but I never heard of it. You know I've spent most o' my life inland with old Auntie Bess, an' only come here this year. "Mayhap," continued Haco, shaking his head gravely, "you've never heer'd, neither, o' the Lifeboat Institootion." "Never," said Susan meekly.

"Th' reason for it is that th' cemetery o' learnin' where John's goin' t' teach is a private institootion, an' this here shack o' Jennie's is controlled by th' gov'ment. I ain't no anarkiss, but " "What's an anarkiss?" interrupted Buck. "A feller what's ag'in' th' gov'ment," explained Bill. "You can't make me b'lieve that our Injun ain't as good as th' scholards at Jennie's emporium.

The sun was still high, and save for the mud which splashed up with each turn of the wheels, all traces of the storm had vanished. "Jennie Tooker always was a fool!" Dr. Blair grumbled. "How many babies have you taken care of, young woman?" "More'n twenty, I guess, off an' on," Lou responded. "I I used to work in an institootion up-State."

"We'll find something suitable for you to do, or you can go to school " "School!" she interrupted him in her turn. "I I'd like to learn things an' be like other folks, but I ain't I mean I'm not goin' to any institootion." He glanced at her curiously.

You are from the Old Country, aren't you? I admitted it, and marvelled how Mr. Perkins could have known it. 'H'm! Tssp! Fine ol' institootion the Old Country, but cert'nly a bit servileacious. D'jerknowhowtermilkercow? 'I've been milking four, night and morning, for over two years, s' Mister Perkins, I answered, with some pride. 'Good for yez, Nickperry. Whataboutgardening?

"'The Chevy Chasers ain't been in bein' as a institootion over long when chance opens a gate to ser'ous work. The deep snows in the Eastern mountains it looks like has done drove a panther into our neighbourhood. You could hear of him on all sides. Folks glimpses him now an' then.

It was obvious to her that he was only a fool who walked by the light of sundry flashes of genius, but there was still the chance that the sum of idiocy and the genius might prove greater than the intelligence of common men. He went on, "But, anyhow, it isn't the institootion of slavery that's come up for me to decide just here and now.

"They've organized th' Ar-rchey Road Lexow Sodality, an' 'tis th' wan institootion that Father Kelly up west iv th' bridge 'll duck his head to. All th' best citizens is in it. Th' best citizens is thim that th' statue iv limitations was made f'r. Barrister Hogan tol' me an' a dacint man, but give to dhrink that, whin a man cud hide behind th' statue iv limitations, he was all r-right.

He paid her large sums of money for her time, more than she could expect to get in any other institootion for the education of female youth. A deduction from her salary would be necessary, in case she should retire from the sphere of her dooties for a season. He should be put to extra expense, and have to perform additional labors himself. He would consider of the matter.

I'm thinkin' 'at if there was a small chairge for admission the Home could be made self-supportin'. Losh! to think 'at if there had been sic an institootion in his time a man micht hae sat on the bit dyke and watched Robbie Burns danderin' roond the " "You would divide the Home into suites of rooms, so that every inmate would have his own apartments?" "Not by no means; na, na.