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Perkins ambled swiftly into the house, rolling out again, as it seemed within the second, as though he had bounced against an inner wall, and handing me a milk-pail. 'Stool over there. Jus' milk the cow for me, Nickperry. Seeyagaindreckly! And he was gone, having floated within doors, like a huge ball of thistledown on well-oiled castors.

'She gave down her milk very nicely madam, I said, conscious of a blush over the matter of addressing this little lady. 'Merely a passing weakness for the servileacious, inherited from feudalising ancestors, said Mr. Perkins in an explanatory tone to his wife. And then to me: 'This is Missis Perkins, Nickperry, not "Madam."

'Ah, John, began his father, 'this is Mr. Perkins's "Nickperry"; you remember? Nick Freydon. He referred to a letter on the table. 'Shorthand, you know, and all that. Well, what about it? D'jew remember? 'Yes, yes, to be sure. Well, what about it? This seemed to be a favourite phrase between father and son. 'Well, what was it you said? Thirty-five bob for a start, eh?

'Yes, yes; the gas of the agitators does sometimes serve to inflate wages; I'll say that for the beggars. What do you say, Nickperry? 'Well, si Mister Perkins 'He always calls me "Smister." It's a friendly way they have in England, like the eye-glass and the turned-up trousers. In her smile Mrs.

You are from the Old Country, aren't you? I admitted it, and marvelled how Mr. Perkins could have known it. 'H'm! Tssp! Fine ol' institootion the Old Country, but cert'nly a bit servileacious. D'jerknowhowtermilkercow? 'I've been milking four, night and morning, for over two years, s' Mister Perkins, I answered, with some pride. 'Good for yez, Nickperry. Whataboutgardening?

Applicatiousness is all very well, but stealing time after tea is gluttish and greedular, and must be put down with an iron hand, with an iron hand, Nickperry. Tssp! Howzashorthandgetnon? Before expelling the last interrogative omnibus word, he would clench one fat fist and knead the air downward with it, to illustrate the process of putting down greediness with an iron hand.

But there it is; it happens to be the name of Dursley's Omnigerentual and Omniferacious Agent, you see; and that's me. Tssp! Wharejercomefrom, Nickperry, or Peripatacious Nick? The idea of using precautions with or attempting to deceive this rosily rotund 'character' seemed far-fetched and absurd. I not only told him I came from Myall Creek, but also named the Orphanage. 'Ah!

I was given to understand at the outset that no work was expected of me after tea. Once or twice of a summer evening I went out into the garden to perform some trifling task I had overlooked, and upon being seen there by Mr. Perkins was saluted with some such remark as: 'Stealing time, Nickperry, stealing time! You an' me'll fall out, my friend, if you can't manage to keep proper working hours.

It's generally a mistake to make partnerial arrangements with relations, Nickperry apt to bring about a combustuous staterthings. So I wanterandyladyersee. 'Yes, sir. 'My name is Mister Perkins, Nickperry, not "Sir." 'Yes, Mr. Perkins. 'That's better. I know you don't mean to be servileacious, but that English "sir" is we don't like it in Australia, Nickperry.

'Well, as it happeneth, Nickperry, your desire for a job is curiously synchronacious with my need of a handy lad. My handy lad stopped being a lad yesterday morning, was married before dinner, and is now away connubialising honeymoon. After which he goes into partnership with his father-in-law greens an' fish.