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I dreaded the result; but I sez to myself, "Now surely that doggone ijit won't throw a call-down into the lady." but he did. "Miss Johnston," sez he, "that ain't no bulldog. That's a high-bred London bull-terrier. How would you like to be called a Chinaman? Come here, Cupid." It was like throwin' a bucket o' water on a bed o' coals.

"I don't think anything yet," he said. "I don't know enough. Wait until I've learned a bit more if you're not sick of teaching such an idiot." "Yerra, ye're no ijit," said Murty under his breath. Education developed as the weeks went on.

I don't t'ink he'll be hard on de wittles, an' he's so t'in dat he won't puspire much when he works in de sun in summer. Do buy him, massa." But "massa" would not buy him, and looked hard for some time at our hero. "I see how it am," said the negro, growing sulky. "You set your heart on dat useless ijit. Do come away, massa, it 'ud break my heart to lib wid sich a feller."

She thinks she should take Jean at his word." "Phil, you are all right, seemin'ly. You can lick any av us. You've got the build av a giant, an' you've beautiful hair an' teeth. An' you are son an' heir to John Bar'net, which is an asset some av us would love to possess, bein' orphans, an' the lovely ladies av Springvale is all bewitched by you; but you are a blind, blitherin' ijit now an' again."

Girls or men, she moidhers thim all once she gets the comeither on them; same as she did Buck M'Cann." "Who's he?" "Buck M'Cann? Faith, he was the village ijit where I used to live in the ould days." "What's that'" "Hould your whisht, an' don't be axin' questions. He was always wantin' the moon, though he was twinty an' six feet four.

Standing Rock has sent fifty thousand dollars in greenbacks to Spotted Tail. The messenger went through here to-day. Have you seen him?" "Nary messenger," replied Billy, in relief. "Stage goes empty." Charley had crept down the stairs and into the room. "What in hell are yo' doin' yere, yo' ranikaboo ijit?" inquired Billy, truculently.

"I bid fifty thousand francs for one of Gauguin's paintings in Paris last year," Count Polonsky said as he claimed his game of écarté against Tati, the chief of Papara district. "I failed to get it, too. I bought many here for a few thousand francs each before that." "Blow me!" cried Pincher, the skipper of the Morning Star. "'E was a bleedin' ijit. I fetched 'im absinthe many a time in Atuona.

As I stood with my back against the partition, the bar-tender slipped round the end of the counter. "Look here, guv'nor," he whispered with good intent, "the back door's open, run like the devil." I turned to him in mild surprise. "Don't be an ijit," he went on. "Git. Why! he's Tommy Flynn, the champion rib cracker and face pusher of Harlford, here on his holidays."

I'm astonished at you, Mrs. Purr, and you an old woman as oughter know better. I doubt if you're Bart's granny. I've married into an ijit race. Don't talk to me, Mrs. Purr, if you please. Live clean an' work 'ard, and there's no trouble with them 'usbands. As 'as to love, honor and obey you." And she sniffed. "Them words you 'ave t' saiy," mumbled Mrs. Purr.

"I's sure I does, Massa Osman!" "Don't interrupt me, you black villain! Can't you see that if Hester's father is a Bagnio slave there is no chance of her having found refuge with him?" "Das true, massa. I do s'pose you's right. I's a born ijit altogidder. But, you know, when a man gits off de scent ob a t'ing, anyt'ing dat looks de least bit like a clue should be follered up.