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"They don't know what they want," the policeman answered, "but it's a bad business when a crowd gathers. Look there now!" Hamilton looked where the man was pointing. On the outskirts of the crowd the boy noted a number of half-grown toughs, hoodlums, and trouble-makers generally.

Sheila was still on her knees, fumbling with something, and apparently paying no attention to him. But now she jerked to her feet, her hand going back and forward. It was a six-inch section of pipe, with a thin wisp of smoke, and the throw was toward Gordon's feet. The hoodlums yelled, and ducked, while Sheila broke into a run away from him.

I have often in talking with intelligent Jews expressed a wonder that they should stigmatize the most illustrious Jew as an impostor, saying to them: "What matters it whether Jesus was of divine or human parentage a human being or an immortal spirit? He was a Jew: a glorious, unoffending Jew, done to death by a mob of hoodlums in Jerusalem.

"Mine's a Chinaman's luck," grunted Jack Benson, disgustedly. "Only a gang of drunken hoodlums down there. They'd stand in with anything that is against the police. No use depending on such human cattle." Jack, in fact, grasped the significance of the new riot a little before Fred Radwin did.

Apparently, his reputation had gone ahead of him, since most of the hoodlums had decided pickings would be easier on some beat where the cops had their own secret rackets to attend to, instead of head busting. But once they learned he was alone... But the second day, two of the citizens fell into step behind him almost at once, armed with heavy clubs.

Nor are the powerful punished when they collect a great army of criminals, drunkards, and hoodlums and make them officials of the United States to insult and bully decent citizens.

Watching the operation was Jurgens; it was obvious that his hoodlums had been hired for the job. Toward the edge of the dome, where Mother Corey's place was, the narrower streets were filling with the gangs, already half-drunk and marching about with their banners and printed signs. Curiously enough, all the gangs weren't working for Wayne's re-election.

Like all crowds, this crowd had its share of hoodlums and roughs who tried to interfere with the women's order of the day. There was a flurry of excitement over this defiant message of truth, but nothing that could not with the utmost ease have been settled by one policeman.

"That's very kind of you; but I guess I'll stick it out. I hate to let those hoodlums drive me out." "All right, but come and see me often. I get so blue some days I wonder what's the use of it all. There's one fatal condition about this ranger business it's a solitary job, it cuts out marriage for most of us.

I've got to tell him all that's happened, and I've got to persuade him to leave us here. We've got to go on. He can recommend my resignation, he can do what he damn well pleases, so long as he leaves me here to finish this work. I tell you, I've got to break up this gang of hoodlums." McBain's eyes glittered. "That's how I feel, sir." "Feel? We've just got to do it or clear out of the country.