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As I sat down, he put his head forward over the bunk-board, and regarded me in a curious, meditative way. "What's hup with ther Second hoffìcer?" he asked, after a short stare. I looked at him, and the other two men looked up at me. I felt I should go off with a bang, if I did not say something, and I let out pretty stiffly, telling them the whole business.

As he couldn't 'spec' to git no furder, he rides quietly up to a hofficer, takes de sword out ob his hand afore he understand what he wants, den, diggin' de spurs into de big war-hoss, off he goes wid a yell like a Red Inj oh! I's mean like a a buff'lo bull. Out comes de swords. Dey close all round 'im. I no see him by dat time.

"Tell me how you managed to preserve your worthless life?" asked the officer, too much astonished to feel indignant, and almost inclined to believe that the fellow was under the protection of some good genii. "Vell, I doesn't think my life very vorthless if you do, Mr. Hofficer; but in case you should ever get cotched in the same kind of a trap, I'll tell ye.

"Eh! no yes, him sure enough; and who is de picaniny hofficer Oh! I see, Massa Tom Cringle? Garamighty, gentlemen, where have you drop from? Where is de old Torch? Many a time hab I Peter Mangrove, pilot to Him Britanic Magesty squadron, taken de old brig in and through amongst de keys at Port Royal!" "Ay, and how often did you scour her copper against the coral reefs, Peter?"

But I won't never be hard on no buy as wants to make a honest livin'. So you be hoff! I'll show the old gen'leman where he wants to go to. BILL moves two paces, and takes a sight at him. Tho. The Lord be praised! Dosto know eawr Mattie then? James. It's the dooty of a detective hofficer to know every girl in his beat. Bill. My eye! there's a oner! Tho. Tak mo to her, sir, an' aw'll pray for yo.

Well, Sir, as I was trotting along, I saw a French dragoon, well mounted, leading a splendid spare orse, belonging to some French hofficer of rank, as far as I could judge from his happearance and mountings. Instead of pursuing my course, as I ought to have done, Sir, I thought I'de make a dash at the rascal, and make prize of that are hanimal.

The negro looked steadfastly at us, then carefully around. There was no one near. "You see, Massa Plinter, I am desirable to serve you, for one little reason of my own; but, beside dat, it is good for me at present to make some friend wid de hofficer of de squadron, being as how dat I am absent widout leave." "Oh, I perceive a large R against your name in the master attendant's books, eh?"

"Beg pardon, sir, but we are out for a deserter from the 58th, Bill Hulish, we 'ave tracked him 'ere, and with the compliments of the commanding hofficer, we'll search the 'ouse." "Search away," I answered, as I heard the outside bath-room door open and close softly. They returned empty-handed, but not greatly disappointed. "Wet night, corporal," I ventured.

"Excuse me, madam," interposed Simmons, with whom the second footman had just held a whispered conference behind the screen, "but James informs me that there is a police hofficer awaiting to see you in the front 'all." "To see me?" ejaculated Mrs. Pumpelly. "Yes, madam." "I suppose it's about to-morrow. Tell him to call round about nine o'clock in the morning."

But when it comes to work like what's been done to-day, I wants to be out of it; and I don't mind sayin' so to you straight out, Mr Dugdale, because you're a naval hofficer, you are, sir, and of course as such you're bound to be dead against such things as has happened since you've been aboard here.