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Although much of Flaggan's language was incomprehensible to the pretty Sicilian, it was sufficiently clear to her sharp intelligence to enable her to follow the drift of his meaning; she blushed, as she turned away her head with a queen-like grace peculiarly Italian, and said "When yoo go hoff to seek?" "This werry minit," answered the sailor.

Our grand-uncle and guardian, the old knight Im Hoff, had ever, so long as I could remember, demeaned himself as a penitent, spending his nights, and not sleeping much, in a coffin, and giving the lion's share of his great revenues to pious works to open unto himself the gates of Heaven; but what a change was wrought in him by the Emperor's coming!

To be sure it but ill-pleased our grand-uncle and guardian, the knight Im Hoff, that Cousin Maud should suffer me, the daughter of a noble house, to mix with the low born race of a simple scrivener; but in sooth Ann was more like by far to get harm in our house, among my brethren and their fellows, than I in the peaceful home by the river, where none but seemly speech was ever heard and sweet singing, nor ever seen but labor and good order and content.

"Why do you ask?" "I was wondering if you had not lived in that country?" "I could not well have been there without having lived there, could I?" Kramer came to her rescue. "Of course he has lived there. Mr. Hoff and I both attended German universities. That was what brought us together at the start our common bond." "Did you attend the same university?" asked Jane.

He raised himself up, leaning on the arms of the great chair, so high that we were filled with amazement, and he gazed about him with his glassy eyes and then said, still holding himself up: "That, that.... And yesterday, only yesterday.... The captive himself.... Four and twenty thousand sequins, do you say?... and I oh, what were my words?... But what old Im Hoff promises that he will do.... And yet.... If you maids had but been duteous children, if you had but come to me first, as trustful daughters.... Only yesterday I might Yes, perchance I might...." And then he stormed forth: "But who is there indeed to care for me?

Rear-Admiral Hoff, in command of the North Atlantic squadron, was ordered to Santiago de Cuba for the better protection of American interests, and no further aggressions occurred. Two disasters in the navy ushered in the year 1870.

Candor reluctantly compelled her to admit that each time she met Frederic Hoff she had found herself coming more and more under his spell. He had a wonderful personality, talked entertainingly and ever exhibited an innate gallantry toward women in general, and herself in particular, which Jane had found delightfully interesting.

"Yes," I said, again. I thought I saw him look at Quoin, significantly; but Stubbins, I noticed, looked only at me. "I reckon ther Second thinks you're a bit hoff colour," he remarked, after a short pause. "The Second Mate's a fool!" I said, with some bitterness. "A confounded fool!" "I hain't so sure about that," he replied. "It's bound ter seem queer ter him. I don't understand it myself "

It was weariful to wade through them, and when at last I reached the Im Hoff house Master Ulsenius called to me down the stairs: "Silence, Mistress Margery; there is worse weather in here than without doors!" Thus as I went into the overheated chamber, I saw there was no good to be hoped for: yet were matters worse than I had looked to find them.

"It sure is," said Carter. "Looks like hush money to me. What does the girl say?" "Nothing yet," said Fleck. "She wouldn't talk at all last night, but she's coming here at ten." "That's funny," said Carter. "Why wouldn't she talk?" "I don't know yet," said Fleck decisively, "but I am going to find out. Do you really suppose that she has fallen in love with young Hoff?" Carter shook his head.