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It wor right-down beautiful tay; so I has another one to the hilth of Bridget's husband the sarjint, an' thin another, that wor a little one faith! to the hilth of the babby; an', begorrah, sor, I rimimbers no more till this mornin' whin I fales so bad wid the rheumatics as I couldn't lift me hid out of me hammock.

"'The way I have allus done, laddie buck," she answered in her good Irish brogue. 'Workin' at the tub an' fightin' the divil bad 'cess to him but I kape me hilth an' lucky I am to do that thanks to the good God! How is me fine lad that I'd niver 'a' knowed but for the voice o' him? "'Not as fine as when I wore the white ruffles but stout as a moose, I answered. 'The war is a sad business.

Raoul followed suit, and the bottle came back to the Irishman. "Your hilth, darlint!" said he, nodding to the Mexican woman. "May yez live till I wish ye dead!" The woman smiled, and repeated, "No entiende." "Och! nivir mind the tin days we won't quarrel about that.

"`Faith I'm not the bhoy fur to disobleege the ladies, says I, `ye can give us a cup, if that's all ye wants me fur to do. Wid that, Bridget ups with the taypot, a little brown one it wor, sure, by the same token, an' pours me out a cupful in a mug that lay handy sure on the counther, which I drinks to the hilth of her an' Missis Wilkins as wor standin' by.