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Bowser. "Oh, Mr. Wilton," said that charming dame, "my heart goes pit-a-pat when I see you, for it's almost like being among those dreadful highbinders again, and how could you bring the horrid creatures down on our dear Luella, when she might have been captured and sold into slavery under our very eyes." "Ah, Mrs.

There were lights in one wing of the house, and another appeared behind the fan-light in the entrance-hall when the leader of the three highbinders had tramped up the steps and touched the bell-push. Blount had a fleeting glimpse of a black head with a fringe of snowy wool when the door was opened, but he did not hear what was said. After the negro serving-man disappeared there was a little wait.

The difference in the makes of guns seemed at once to suggest something to Kennedy and instead of mixing actively in the war of the highbinders he retired to his unfailing laboratory, leaving me to pass the time gathering such information as I could. Once I dropped in on him but found him unsociably surrounded by microscopes and a very sensitive arrangement for taking microphotographs.

Wouldn't I look well, now, handing four hundred pounds over to those highbinders? My owners would hang me." "So they demand two thousand dollars!" "Yes! Just because of some bally rot about who may and who may not work for a living on the docks at Frisco." "What are you going to do about it?" "I'm going to make a swimming delegate out of the next walking emissary that boards me.

They sent on to 'Frisco for some highbinders those professional killers, you know and Wah Lee got wind of the fact that he was one of the victims marked for slaughter. Naturally, he was in a fearful stew about it, and just when things were at their worst I happened to be in Helena on business and ran across him.

"Praise the powers, you're safe!" cried Corson, wringing my hand, while the policemen took the prostrate Chinese in charge. "And is the young lady hurt?" "No harm done," said Luella. "Mr. Wilton is quite a general." "I can't think what's got into the scoundrelly highbinders," said Corson apologetically. "It's the first time I ever knew anything of the kind to happen."

"Only too well," said Tom, in a tone where bitterness and scorn were mingled. "What about him?" asked the lieutenant. "He's one of the ringleaders of that gang of highbinders," answered Tom. The lieutenant looked at the man stonily. "So you're the peaceful citizen that knew so little about the Spartacides, are you?" he asked bitingly.

You sit there, a fortune in your hands, and you allow a lot of schemers, highbinders, who don't know any more of your affairs or mine than a rabbit, and who haven't any interest in you except to plan what they can get out of you, to frighten you and prevent you from doing the one thing that will save your life.

The "Highbinders" are bound together by solemn obligations, and are the instruments used by other Chinamen to avenge their real or fancied wrongs. The Highbinders are organized into lodges or tongs, which are engaged in constant feuds with each other.

"Poor little blossom I wonder if she'll mourn for him? Faithful Grand Vizier, don't tell me sad facts on my birthday night. I want only pretty things." "Whether she'll mourn or not won't make much difference to father or to the Highbinders. Je-hoshaphat look!" For they had turned the corner into Dupont Street, main avenue of the Quarter.