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The disease may be highly acute, as in limber neck, or chronic, extending over a period of a week or more. Diarrhoea is not a prominent symptom in the majority of cases. The post-mortem lesions vary from a hemorrhagic to a chronic inflammation of the different body organs and serous membranes. The treatment is preventive.

That the menstrual impulses reach the uterus through two sets of nerves. That menstruation is the result of nerve irritation, vascular congestion, and the subsequent relief of these by hemorrhagic discharges. That hemorrhage from the uterus is the result either of a local uterine condition, or of influences outside of the uterus acting directly on the center.

If it is permitted to count XIV also as renal, a list of eight cases out of the original list of eleven unpleasant-delusion cases is obtained in which nephritis of some type has been found. Case XIII, nephritis and phthisis, belongs also in the renal group. Death from internal hemorrhagic pachymeningitis. The liver of this case weighed 1074 grams and was fatty.

The brain and its membranes, lungs and air-passages and intestines may become affected. The history and post-mortem lesions are of most value in the recognition of this disease. The local conditions, the loss of several animals in the herd and the finding of hemorrhagic lesions in the different body tissues may enable the examiner to correctly diagnose the disease.

Du Peyrou de Cheyssiole and Bonhoure speak of an aged peasant woman, past ninety-one years of age, who menstruated regularly. Petersen describes a woman of seventy-nine, who on March 26th was seized with uterine pains lasting a few days and terminating with hemorrhagic discharge. On April 23d she was seized again, and a discharge commenced on the 25th, continuing four days.

LESIONS. In acute hog-cholera the inflammation is hemorrhagic in character. Small, red spots and blotches occur in different organs and tissues. In the chronic form of the disease ulceration of the intestinal and gastric mucous membrane, inflammation of the lungs and pleura and sloughing of the skin are common lesions.

It may be large and soft, or even smaller than normal. The liver may be enlarged and dark, or mottled and light colored. The stomach and intestines may show hemorrhagic spots and blotches. Sometimes the gastric and intestinal mucous membrane is a brick red. Scattered lung lobules or a large portion of the lungs may be inflamed.

Furthermore, whenever conception does take place, the preliminary preparations for the reception of the embryo are followed by much more elaborate arrangements for its protection and nutrition. Under these circumstances the hemorrhagic discharge does not appear. Were there no other condition to bring about the cessation of menstruation, the diagnosis of pregnancy would be greatly simplified.

Similar cases were reported in the recent naval engagements between the Chinese and Japanese. Wilson reports two cases of rupture of the membrane tympani caused by diving. Roosa divides the causes into traumatic, hemorrhagic, and inflammatory, and primary lesions of the labyrinth, exemplifying each by numerous instances.

In 14 cases the transmission was direct from the father to the child, and in 11 cases it was direct from the mother to the infant. The hemorrhagic symptoms of bleeders may be divided into external bleedings, either spontaneous or traumatic; interstitial bleedings, petechiae, and ecchymoses; and the joint-affections.