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!Answer!: 1.152 grams. What weight of cream of tartar must have been taken for analysis in order to have obtained 97.60% KHC H O in an analysis involving the following data: NaOH used = 30.06 cc.; H SO solution used = 0.50 cc.; 1 cc. H SO sol. = 0.0255 gram CaCO ; 1 cc. H SO sol. = 1.02 cc. NaOH sol.? !Answer!: 2.846 grams.

How many grams of pure potassium hydroxide are required for exactly 1 liter of normal alkali solution? !Answer!: 56.1 grams. A sample of aqueous hydrochloric acid has a specific gravity of 1.12 and contains 23.81 per cent hydrochloric acid by weight. !Answers!: 0.2667 gram; 7.307 milliequivalents. !Answer!: 76.33 cc. A given solution contains 0.1063 equivalents of hydrochloric acid in 976 cc.

Calculate the weight after the copper has been deposited. !Answer!: 11.6116 grams. !Answer!: 0.5705 gram. !Answer!: 0.6573 gram. If in the analysis of a brass containing 28.00% zinc an error is made in weighing a 2.5 gram portion by which 0.001 gram too much is weighed out, what percentage error in the zinc determination would result?

The day he arrived at the hospital, having not eaten for several days at the end of several months of delusions of poverty the case was called "acute melancholia," and the cause of death assigned was starvation. The liver weighed 1102 grams and was fatty. There was a diffuse thickening and clouding of the pia mater, and the dura was firmly adherent everywhere to the skull.

!Answer!: 20.08 cc. !Answer!: 5.70 cc. A sample of pyrolusite weighing 0.6000 gram is treated with 0.9000 gram of oxalic acid. What is the percentage of MnO , in the sample? !Answer!: 84.47%. A solution contains 50 grams of KHC O .H C O .2H O per liter. In the analysis of an iron ore containing 60% Fe O , a sample weighing 0.5000 gram is taken and the iron is reduced with sulphurous acid.

Since the stoppers are likely to change in weight from the varying amounts of moisture absorbed from the atmosphere, it is necessary to confirm the recorded weight of a tube which has been unused for some time before weighing out a new portion of substance from it. The sets of weights commonly used in analytical chemistry range from 20 grams to 5 milligrams.

You're as lazy as the devil and should only eat nitrogenous food and never in excess. What you require is about one hundred grams of protein, giving you a fuel value of twenty-seven hundred calories, and to produce this fifty-five ounces of food a day is enough. When you exceed this you run to flesh unhealthy bloat really and in the wrong places.

Into the bottom of this vessel introduce from twenty to thirty grams of iodine in crystals. Place the portion of paper on which the vapor of iodine is to act at the opening of the bottle, and cover it with the stopper of unpolished glass, on which put a weight so as to exert a slight pressure, and in order that the aperture may be hermetically closed.

From the investigations carried on in the Office of Experiment Stations the conclusion has been drawn that of the total amount of protein needed every day, which is usually estimated to be 100 grams or 3-1/2 ounces, one-half or 50 grams is taken in the form of animal food, which of course includes milk, eggs, poultry, fish, etc., as well as meat.

Possibly the case was residual from hebephrenia. Dr. The correlation is suggestive with the probably auditory hallucinosis. The brain weighed 1190 grams. Death due to bronchopneumonia. Heart and kidneys normal. The first attack followed loss of wife, and delusions concerning being born again developed.