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As we neared Pozières a 9.02 howitzer gun on our left fired a shell that exploded in the gun and blew the gun and crew in all directions. The shell also started some ammunition going that was lying about and it was under the greatest difficulty that the men, whose lives were not lost in the first explosion, managed to get away.

2003/10: The number of books doubled in 18 months, going from 5,000 to 10,000. 2003/12: First DVD, with 9,400 books. 2003: Digitization of 348 books per month. 2003/12: Launching of Distributed Proofreaders Europe by Project Rastko. 2004/01: Launching of Project Gutenberg Europe by Project Rastko. 2004/02: Michael Hart's presentation at UNESCO headquarters, in Paris.

Joseph 21 02 Grand Gulf 22 06 Hard Times 22 18 Half Mile below Warrenton 1 Vicksburg 1 38 Milliken's Bend 1 2 37 Bailey's 1 3 48 Lake Providence 1 5 47 Greenville 1 10 55 Napoleon 1 16 22 White River 1 16 56 Australia 1 19 Helena 1 23 25 Half Mile Below St.

Two fairly successful years followed, marked, however, by a uniformly disastrous Eastern trip in 1901. Then followed in 1902 "the most unsuccessful baseball season in years," though the end came with a victory over Cornell, 7 to 4, largely through the efforts of Michigan's greatest all-round athlete, Neil Snow, '02, in the last contest of his athletic career.

Government receipts from all sources for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1899, including $11,798,314,14, part payment of the Central Pacific Railroad indebtedness, aggregated $610,982,004.35. Customs receipts were $206,128,481.75, and those from internal revenue $273,437,161.51. For the fiscal year the expenditures were $700,093,564.02, leaving a deficit of $89,111,559.67.

YV5ZZ/6 LU1DAU 145.9 29/10/77 02.00 5,000~ World record distance on 144 MHz. First Western hemisphere contact. JH6TEW VK8WJ 144.1 10/02/78 11.50 5,060~ First Pacific area contact. KP4EOR LU5DJZ 145.1 12/02/78 00.12 6,340 New world distance record on 144 MHz. YV5ZZ LU3AAT 432.1 13/02/78 01.10 5,100 First reception of 432 MHz signals in Western hemisphere.

The bullion in a silver dollar, which had been worth $1.02 in 1872, had declined to seventy-two cents in 1889. It rose to seventy-six in 1891 but then declined rapidly to sixty in 1898, and during the next three years the intrinsic value of a "cartwheel" was just about half its legal tender value.

"Opium at first decidedly influenced the condition; the patient took daily 0.5 to 1.8, and since yesterday morphin subcutaneously 0.02 at a dose." "Ice bags were not well borne, and Priesslitz compresses were used continuously. The intake of food was reduced to almost nothing."

"Taking the Nation in the aggregate, and we find its population and ratio of increase, for the several decennial periods, to be as follows: YEAR. POPULATION. RATIO OF INCREASE 1800 5,305,937 35.02 Per Cent. "This shows an average Decennial Increase of 34.69 per cent. in population through the seventy years from our first to our last census yet taken.

The average amount of expenditure for these continuation schools is $6,250,000. In Prussia there are some 1,500 of these schools, with an average attendance of 300,000 pupils. According to the last census the proportion of illiterates among the recruits for the army was 0.02 per cent.