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Updated: August 7, 2024

Deep narcotization with morphin and scopolamin is induced slowly; the respiratory and pulse-rate are progressively lessened and there is no acidity. By our researches we have established in what consists the generic difference between inhalation anesthetics and narcotics.

For over ten years "Doc" Stoneleigh has lived with his mother, a recluse, a morphin-soaked wreck. Sometimes he may be seen in a park near their home, sitting for hours inert, or automatically tracing figures in the gravel with his cane, noticing no one, unkempt, almost repellent. He is still sufficiently shrewd to secure morphin in violation of the law.

Pain and acute inflammation is diminished or controlled, if possible, by using ice-cold packs. In nervous, well-bred animals analgesic agents may be employed; or small doses of morphin sulphate one to two grains given at intervals of three hours during the first stages of the affection is very beneficial. This is especially indicated in infectious arthritis.

Salicylate of soda in full doses, or aspirin, usually proves effectual in relieving pain, but when this is very intense it may call for injections of heroin or morphin. Potassium iodide is of benefit in chronic cases. Relief usually results from bathing, douching, and massage, and from repeated gentle stretching of the nerve.

The action of morphin in lessening fever production is probably the result of its depressing influence on the brain-cells, because of which a diminished amount of their potential energy is converted into electricity and a diminished electric discharge from the brain to the muscles should diminish heat production proportionally.

During these heart attacks it is more than useless to administer any drug by the stomach, as in this condition there will be no absorption, even if there is no vomiting. The addition of atropin to the morphin will prevent depression from the morphin.

Especially if there are cerebral symptoms, as typically presented in cerebrospinal meningitis, and especially if the arterial tension is low, the subcutaneous administration of an aseptic ergot will quiet the central nervous system, increase the blood pressure, quiet the heart, and prolong the action of a single dose of morphin.

In the electric fish a part of the muscular mechanism is replaced by a specialized structure for storing and discharging electricity. We found further that electric fish could not discharge their electricity when under anesthesia, and clinically we know that under deep morphin narcosis, and under anesthesia, the production both of heat and of muscular action is hindered.

Jane Carlyle became an invalid, and sought to allay her nervous sufferings with strong tea and tobacco and morphin. When a nervous woman takes to morphin, it almost always means that she becomes intensely jealous; and so it was with Jane Carlyle.

Five hours later, after a troubled sleep, there was another erection, which was again relieved by hypodermic medication. During the day he had two other paroxysms, one lasting forty-five minutes; and another, three hours later, lasting eighteen minutes. Both these were controlled by morphin.

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