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"Nurse says that Tootles has forgotten the real Roxbury," she went on, after a moment. "See how cleverly you have played the part." Still he stared moodily, unconvinced, at the roadway ahead. They were driving in the Haupt Allee. "I hope I haven't got Roxbury into trouble by that interview I gave out concerning the new method of fire-proofing woodwork in office buildings and hotels.

Belser in Haupt and Delitzsch, Beiträge sur Assyriologie, ii. 187 seq., col. vi. i. 3 seq. The character of this part of the hymn is quite different from that which precedes. For further notices of these gods, see chapter x. See above, p. 122. See p. 177.

Here Madame Haupt paused for a moment to get her breath; and Marija, seeing the beads of sweat on Jurgis's forehead, and feeling the quivering of his frame, broke out in a low voice: "How is Ona?" "How is she?" echoed Madame Haupt. "How do you tink she can be ven you leave her to kill herself so? I told dem dot ven they send for de priest.

"He must suspect something," said Trusia, "he was so very, very pleasant. It is impossible for him to know anything, though." She turned her fine eyes again to her Minister. "There was a man with him. He presented him as Herr Casper Haupt, who the General said was connected with the Russian Consulate here. He did not say in what capacity."

Seeing therefore how close the intercourse was between Lisbon and India, it is perhaps no wonder that, in his very interesting book on the Renaissance Architecture of Portugal, Albrecht Haupt, struck by the very strange forms used at Thomar and to a lesser degree in the later additions to Batalha, propounded a theory that this strangeness was directly due to the importation of Indian details.

Lepsius and Brugsch have rendered important services to Egyptology, and Lachmann, K. O. Mueller, Von der Hagen, Boeckh, the brothers Grimm, Moritz Haupt, and others, to ancient and German philology. Through the labors of this historian, modern readers know the ancient Romans far better than they were known by nations who were in close contact with them.

To Professor Paul Haupt we are indebted for a practically complete publication of the fragments of the epic; and it is likewise owing, chiefly, to Professor Haupt that the sequence in the incidents of the epic as well as the general interpretation of the composition has been established.

"He didn't tell you, for instance, that Herr Casper Haupt is the Chief of Imperial Secret Police for the district embracing Poland, Krovitch, Austria and France; a very important personage? What did Vladimar have to say?" "When I told him I was on a shopping tour, he looked the usual masculine horror and gave the usual masculine prayer for deliverance.

Hommel and others interpret that Gilgamesh accomplishes the 'forty-five days' journey' in three days. This I take to be the meaning of the numbers introduced at this point. The text is badly mutilated. There is no limit to the rule of death. Death alone is 'immortal. As Haupt correctly interprets. This appears to be the sense of this rather obscure line. See below, p. 507.

But during the night occurred a startling change in the character of the campaign which upset all our plans and gave a wholly unexpected turn to my own part in it. About nine o'clock in the evening Colonel Haupt received at Alexandria the information that the enemy's cavalry had attacked our great depot of supplies at Manassas Junction.