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"Feed 'em well, speak 'em kind, an' give 'em theah haids on a hawd pull er in a tight place," she quoted with inimitable mimicry, and he grinned with quick understanding. "Good old Abbie! I wonder who she loved enough to learn all that? And so you've been taking lessons, too!" "I thought we had done with that," she said almost pleadingly. "You make it very hard for me!"

Cookie complied, joining respectfully in the captain's mirth. "I guess you-all is got stronger haids den dat young gennelmun!" he remarked. "Dis yere ole niggah has help hissef mighty freely and dat Prohibititionist Miss Harding ain't eveh found it out. Fac' is, it am puffeckly harmless 'cept when de haid is weak." False, false Cookie! Black brother in perfidy to Mr. Tubbs!

They had promised to write to her every week and they had, too, except when they were too busy or when they forgot it. Finally, it was Aunt Sharley who never let them forget that their grandfather had been a governor of the state, that their father had been a colonel in the Confederacy, and that they were qualified "to hole up they haids wid de fines' in de land."

Temple being too poor to take Todd with him, had left him behind to shift for himself until he could send for him. All the neighborhood knew, to quote Todd's own hilarious chuckle, was that "Miss Jemima Johnsing had two mo' boa'ders; one a sick man dat had los' his job an' de udder a yaller nigger who sot up nights watchin' de hosses eat dere haids off."

'Oh, come in, suh, come in en win, den, he sez, en Ole Marster step out en walk right in wid Marse Plaintain behint 'im en I set dar all night, yes, suh, I set dar all night a-hol'n' de hosses' haids. "Den w'en de sun up out come Ole Marster, white es a sheet, with his han's a-trem'lin', en de bag er gol' gone.

"No'm, dey's jest in a hurry to git dere fool haids sunk to de eyes in dat watah. Dey ain't aimin' to run away no'm, dish yer ain't no stampede!" Perhaps Buddy dozed. The next thing he remembered, day was breaking, with the sun all red, seen through the dust.

"Dem dogs is eatin' dere haids off," he began, fidgeting about the table, brushing the crumbs on to a tray only to spill half of them on the floor "an' Mister Floyd's coachman done say dat his young marster's jes' a-dyin' for 'em an' don't cyar what he pay for 'em, dat is if ye " but St. George cut him short. "What did you say, Todd?"

Mebby you think so too, but I kin tell ye right now 't we gotta keep our dang eyes in our haids!" "I'm taking your word for it, Applehead," Luck told him, lowering his voice a little because they were nearing the others. "Besides, I've heard a lot about these tricky boys with the Dutch-cut on their hair. I'm keeping it all in mind don't worry.

Rogers, as she and her husband and young Dudley sat in the yard after supper that evening. "I don't see how you all stood it stiddy fur two weeks et a stretch up et the 'campment. Ev'ry time I sent the niggahs up thah with the fresh vittuls, they'd come back with ther eyes fa'rly bulgin' out o' ther haids, an' whut little wits they hed knocked sky west an' crooked.

"How did you expect them to hurt me, Uncle Billy?" asked Edgar, laughing. "I was 'feard dey mought make a Injun, or sum'in' out'n you." "G'long, Billy," put in his wife, with increased contempt, "Marse Eddie ain' been socifyin' wid no Injuns he been socifyin' wid kings an' queens' settin' on dey thrones, wid crowns on dey haids an' spectres in dey han's!