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Thus among the Swahili it is on the third day after marriage that the bridegroom is allowed, by custom, to complete defloration, according to Zache, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 1899, II-III, p. 84. De l'Amour, vol. ii, p. 57. Robert Michels, "Brautstandsmoral," Geschlecht und Gesellschaft, Jahrgang I, Heft 12.

Schäfer, Sir E.A. Endocrine Glands and Internal Secretions. Stanford University, 1914, p. 91. Paton, D. Noël. Regulators of Metabolism. London, 1913, p. 146. Weininger, Otto. Sex and Character. London & N.Y., 1906. Eng. trans. of Geschlecht u. Charakter, Vienna & Leipzig, 1901 & 1903. Leland, C.G. The Alternate Sex. London, 1904. Carpenter, Edw. Love's Coming of Age. London, 1906.

But in that case one's imagination has difficulty with that perspective of years which have accumulated the ancient burden of guilt. The Maid of Orleans Die Schoenheit ist fuer ein glueckliches Geschlecht; ein unglueckliches musz man erhaben zu ruehren suchen. Letter of July 26, 1800.

The safest way in England to render what is legally termed marriage absolutely indissoluble is for both parties to commit adultery. Magnus Hirschfeld, Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft, Oct., 1908. H. Adner, "Die Richterliche Beurteilung der 'Zerrütteten' Ehe," Geschlecht und Gesellschaft, Bd. ii, Teil 8. X of his Sexual Life of Our Times.

After a moment he said: 'You are not like other folk. "Ihr Lascheks seid ein anderes Geschlecht." I thought of you when we read it. 'Would you rather have me more like the rest, or more unlike, Siegmund? Which is it? 'Neither, he said. 'You are you. They were quiet for a space. The only movement in the night was the faint gambolling of starlight on the water.

This was a sound instinct, for it is now recognized as an extremely important part of puericulture that a woman should rest at all events during the latter part of pregnancy; see, e.g., Pinard, Gazette des Hôpitaux, November 28, 1895, and Annales de Gynécologie, August, 1898. Griffith Wilkin, British Medical Journal, April 8, 1905. Weininger, Geschlecht und Charakter, p. 107.