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I did as he directed, and having explained to the surgeon the nature of the document, I put the pen in Paton's hand; but was obliged to guide his hand with my own in order to make an intelligible signature. The surgeon signed below, and Paton seemed satisfied. He closed his eyes; his sufferings appeared to be very slight.

Would he, expelled from Saint Winifred's, ever be able to look anyone in the face again at home? While he was brooding over these fancies, someone, breathless with haste, ran up to his room, and again a note was thrust underneath the door. He seized it quickly, and read "Dear Walter, I am so glad to be the first to tell you that you are not to be expelled. Paton has begged you off.

Having completed the circuit of all the notables in Shabatz, including Luka Lasaravich, a once redoubted lieutenant of Kara-George, and now an octagenarian merchant, with thirteen wounds on his body, Mr Paton prepared for a fresh start, drinking health and long life to his kind host and hostess in a glass of slivovitsa, or plum brandy, the national liqueur.

"Burley is said to be with them for certain," answered Lord Evandale, "and also Hackston of Rathillet, Paton of Meadowhead, Cleland, and some other men of military skill." "I judged as much," said Claverhouse, "from the style in which these detached horsemen leapt their horses over the ditch, as they returned to their position.

I felt that Paton was in the room; that if I looked round I should see him. I however restrained myself from looking round with all the strength of my will wherefore I know not. What I felt was not fear, but the conviction that I was on the brink of a fearful and unprecedented experience an experience that would not leave me as it found me.

"Noo, that's like yoursel, Sauners Paton," replied his wife; "and surely my endeavour shall not be wanting to mak you comfortable." At these words Jamieson came also into the mill, and said, "I hope, miller, the wife has gotten you persuaded o' your danger, and that ye'll conform to her kind wishes."

But the flash of rage was gone in an instant; and the next moment Mr Paton, afraid of trusting himself any longer, left his desk and hurried out, anxious to recover in solitude the calmness of mind and action which had been so terribly disturbed.

His wife, from some writings to be hereafter mentioned, seems also to have enjoyed an allowance of £40 per annum from her father. Besides William and John Hill, there were born in Aberdeen to William Burton and Eliza Paton three sons two of whom died early, one of them being accidentally drowned in the Don at Grandholm and one daughter.

Now, when I think of it, he was severely tackled in this match by H. M'Intyre, and was not in such good form as some of the other forwards. ~R. Paton.~ There are few, if any, old players in Dumbartonshire, and, I should say, spectators as well, who cannot remember the familiar figure of Mr. Robert Paton.

Owing to energetic agitation on the part of the Anglican and Presbyterian Churches, especially of Bishop Patteson and the Rev. J. G. Paton, men-of-war were ordered to the islands on police duty, so as to watch the labour-trade.