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Yesterday he come rarin' in to f-find out what I told him that for. 'Fellow, I says, 'Fellow, any r-road you can g-get over is a good road in this country. It's t-thataway with marriage, son, an' don't you forget it a h-holy minute. Another thing, this being u-united in wedlock ain't no sinecure." "Ain't no which kind of a sin?" inquired Reeves. Dud Hollister grinned admiringly.

He shut his eyes, and in a desperate, earnest voice said, under his breath, "Good-by!" And again, lower still, "Good-by!" "Good-by, Johnnie." He looked up into her laughing eyes. His color came hot, his heart pounded, and he gasped, "S-say m-my John! Won't you?" "Why, certainly. Good-by, my Johnnie." She smiled yet more. "Will will" he choked "will you b-be my k Fannie when I g-get old enough?"

How can I, when everything I have is his, when everything I g-get belongs to him before curse him even before I get it! I tell you, Dig, he's he's draining my life away, drop by drop! He's g-got me down with his foot on my neck crushing me into the mud. I say he's stamping me down into hell damn him!" "Restrain yourself, Barry, my dear boy, remember Mr. Beverley is our guest "

"If if we've got to marry," she began unsteadily, "why not g-get it over quickly and then I don't mind if you go away." She was quite mad: that was certain. He hastily flung some brushes into his tool kit, then straightened up and gazed at her with deep compassion.

"Murder? I t-tell you it's no murder to kill his sort. G-give me the pistols." "Hush! Come into the barn." "No. W-what for?" "Well, the time is getting on, Ronald, nearly seven o'clock, and your ardent lovers are usually before their time. Come into the barn." "N-no, devilish dark hole!" "But he'll see you here!" "What if he does, can't g-get away from me, better f-for it out here lighter."

"But," asked Billy, "if Doug recovers, and should think as you did at first, that Rita fired the shot?" "Sa-sa-say, B-Billy Little, you couldn't make it another t-t-twenty later on for that ere job about the st-store, could ye?" "I think I can," returned Billy. "Well, then, Doug'll g-get it straight never you f-f-fear.

And Simmons fell back into the shadows. "Of course," murmured Benjamin Wright, "if I g-get well, it needn't hold, you know." After that he seemed to sleep a little, until, his eyes still closed, he said, "The boy slapped my face. So it's all right." Samuel started up from his chair at the bedside, shocked and protesting.

If that don't suit a p-puncher I most usually h-hand him his hat an' say, 'So long, son, you 'n' me ain't c-consanguineously constructed to ride the same range; no hard feelin's, but if you're w-wishful to jog on to another outfit I'll say adios without no tears. You can't g-get rid of yore husband that easy, ma'am, so I'll recommend the g-good grub, s-seventy-five s-smiles per diem, an' the aforesaid more or less f-free rein."

"G-give us the barkers, will you quick! Oh, damnation. Dig, y-you know G-Gaunt and his hangman are hard on my heels! Quick, then, and g-get it over and done with d'you hear, D-Dig?" So saying, Barrymaine crossed to the hearth and stood there, warming his hands at the blaze, but, even so, he must needs turn his head so that he could keep his gloating eyes always directed to Chichester's pale face.

"I don't think you can g-get a dance there," said Annette, following his gaze. "She is always engaged ahead. But I'll find out, if you w-want me to." "Would you, now?" cried Sandy, fervently pressing her hand. Then he stopped short. "Annette," he said wistfully, "do you think she'll be caring to dance with a boy like me?"