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"Jene Tanzerinn Fliegt, mit leichtem Sinn Und noch leichtern Kleide Durch den Saal der Freude Wie ein Zephyr bin, etcetera." The head of Jedediah Hazlet was somewhat confused, when, after the play and an oyster supper in the cider cellars, it sank deep into the reposeful down of a spare chamber in the gay Sir Rollo Bruce's London house. The next morning was Sunday.

"Irh Diener, werthe Jungfer Braut Viel Glücke zur heutgen Freude!" and exclaiming that at the sight of her in her garland and wedding-garb the heart laughs out in rapture; and what wonder that lips and breast overflow with joy.

"Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heiligthum, Deine Zauber binden wieder, Was die Mode streng getheilt; Alle Menschen werden Bruder, Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt."

"Dearest," he said, smiling, "it is wrong of me, perhaps, to worry you about such very fearful things as those; let us go in, and find something to do that is useful, and not trouble ourselves with them any more." "O Freude, habe Acht! Sprich leise, Dass nicht der Schmerz erwacht!"

I have spent many days and nights with these young gentlemen, at Heidelberg, at Leipsic, at Marburg, at Bonn, and been made one of them in their jollity and good-fellowship, and I have agreed, and still agree, that "Wir sind die Könige der Welt, wir sind's durch unsere Freude." They are by no means the swashbuckling, bullying, dissolute companions painted by those who know nothing about them.

May all the blessings that Heaven can shower upon earth attend you. Vienna, March 3, 1815. Kurz, kurz, kurz, kurz ist der Schmerz, der Schmerz, e-wig, e-wig ist die Freu-de, ist die Freu-de, ja die Freu-de, e-wig ist die Freu-de. Kurz, kurz, kurz, kurz ist der Schmerz, der Schmerz, der Schmerz, e-wig, e-wig ist die Freu-de, ist die Freu-de, e-wig ist die Freude, e-wig, e-wig ist die Freu-de.

There are few who will not have taste enough to laugh at the two concluding lines of this soliloquy: and still fewer, I would fain hope, who would not have been more disposed to shudder, had I given a faithful translation. For the readers of German I have added the original: Blind-wuethend schleudert selbst der Gott der Freude Den Pechkranz in das brennende Gebaeude.

"Der schwere Panzer wird zum Fl�gelkleide Kurz ist der Schmerz, unendlich ist die Freude."

And in so doing he would now and then encounter a young vicar, neophyte, or undergraduate, who would exchange reminiscences of Freising with him, and who, after the fifth pint of beer, would join in the fine songs: "Vom hoh'n Olymp herab ward uns die Freude" and "Brüderchen, er-her-go bi-ba-hamus."

"Aufmunterung zur Freude" is a tame allegretto; "Wehmuth" is better; "Täuschung" is a short elegy of passion and depth; "Ruhe in der Geliebten" is best in its middle strain where it is full of rich feeling and harmony. The ending is cheap. "Der gefangene Sänger" is only a slight variant at first on the "Adieu" credited to Schubert; it is thereafter excellent.